Work Out Your Own Salvation with Fear and Tremblingby Tony Warren![]() The call to work out their own salvation was an exhortation to the church at Philippi to labor in obedience to the Word to make sure that they truly have salvation and are not sloth in this confirmation. The Greek word translated work is [katergazomai], which means to work to the fullest or to completion. Such work can only be brought about in Christ Jesus. God works in every regenerated soul to give us not only the will but the power to do what needs to be done. We can no more work for our own salvation, than we can raise ourselves up after we are dead and in the grave. Note carefully how this passage is so often taken "out of context" and the following verse completely ignored. When we read this "in context" we see that far from this passage being a simi-works proof text, it is just the opposite. Philippians 2:12-13
In agreement with this is Paul's encouragement to them to do it with fear and trembling. In other words, they are not to be puffed up, but read the Scriptures and continue to obey them in the fear of God. Fear and trembling is not just incidental language. You see the difference between the saved and the unsaved is that the unsaved have no real fear of God. Therefore they won't listen to God's Word nor obey what is written in His Holy Book. That includes many professing Christians. You can quote them God's Word "word for word" and they'll retort that "that was just your interpretation" as if you were quoting your own words. The reason is, their conscience is seared that they have no fear and trembling before God's Word as true believers do. All throughout Scripture when you read of God's manifestations to His Prophets of Old, all shook with fear and trembling before God. They all had that reverential fear of God that is so rare these days. Today the arrogant and high minded Christians are busy attempting to make God their partner in their crimes or lawlessness. They look at God a s super buddy who just goes along with them to wink at their sin. This is what having no fear of God delineates. A lack of real regard, respect or veneration. Every time they deny God's Word of truth, they in effect make God a Liar. By contrast, God says the evidence of a truly saved person is that they will keep (as opposed to discard) His Word. They cherish His Word as those who fear God and have a Holy reverence for His precepts. When Paul says, "with fear and trembling," it is this Godly fear that he is exhorting the disciples to work in, and which will assure their calling and election. Psalms 34:9
God contrasts this Godly fear of the elect with the wicked who have no fear of God and so transgress without care of offending God. With a seared conscience (1st Timothy 4:2), it doesn't bother them anymore to contradict God because they have become numb, so use to having no feeling there. The Bible uses the word seared, which is like having scar tissue on your body wherein if you touch that particular spot you may not feel it anymore. That may be a bad analogy, but you get my point. It is when you have the conscience wiped out so that it doesn't bother you anymore to deny or twist or reject God's Word. That is when there is no fear of God. Psalms 36:1
Paul's presence didn't bring them salvation and his leaving won't save them, they are saved by the Spirit in the hearing of the Word of God. The apostle declares they are to be a workman unto that salvation. In other words, he's saying the same thing Christ said in that we shouldn't be slothful because a tree is known by its fruits. They should study and rightly divide or correctly distribute the Word (2 Timothy 2:15). Unlike so many pastors today who would likely tell them, "you spoke the sinners prayer and so you are saved." That's not what the apostle tells them. He instructs them that as they obeyed the Word from Him as God's witness among them, so when he is gone they are to work out their own salvation (in the Word) in fear and trembling. It's not as if their obedience were a matter to be done only in his presence, but more earnestness in his absence showing their allegiance is to the Lord. He is encouraging them to study as workman, that they can correctly divide the Word of truth. God's Word cannot be divided seven different ways by seven different people, there is only "the right or correct way" to measure it out. Our salvation comes from the Word and our work in the Word comes from God. As it is written, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. In Him only is how we can labor in our trial of "obedience" that we know our salvation is assured. For if we are slothful or negligent in this, what assurance do we have of our salvation? While in labor for the fruit of the Spirit, we have made our calling and election sure (2nd Peter 1:8-10). In other words, it is our duty as faithful Servants, not our debt in order to obtain salvation (Romans 11:6). The scenario in this passage seems pretty clear. Paul was telling them that he would not be back, and that they should carry on in the faith that he had taught them from the Scriptures, just as they did when he was in Philippi. The Philippians from the start had shown a remarkable readiness to learn and a great respect for Paul. He exhorts them to continue to obey the Scriptures when He is gone, as they did when He was present. Work out their own salvation through fear of God and continued obedience because he will not be there to lead. Psalms 2:11
Proverbs 1:7
Proverbs 15:33
In closing, let me say that the phrase "work out your own salvation" is not a declaration that we are either saved by our own works, or that we have any part in helping Jesus save us by our own works. That would be a contradiction to everything else the Bible says. Rather, it is an exhortation to the church at Philippi (and indeed ultimately to us all) to labor in our own salvation in obedience to the Word, in the reverential fear and trembling before the God that is our only deliverer. A call to make sure by our obedience to the Word that we truly have salvation, for as Christ told us, a tree is known by its fruits. Make your calling and election sure by keeping the Word of God in the midst of a perverse and crooked world. Philippians 2:15-16
"By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil. -Proverbs 16:6"
Copyright ©2000 Tony Warren Please feel free to duplicate, print, archive, display or distribute this publication in any format, provided the copyright notice remains intact, there are no changes made and you do not charge a fee beyond the cost of reproduction. This publication can be distributed only in its original form, unedited, and without cost. Created 7/22/00 / Last Modified 8/04/14 The Mountain Retreat / twarren10@aol.com |