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Midi Hymns
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What to think of the status of Christianity during the war in 1944? The foreign missionaries are either gone or imprisoned. The militaristic party in control of Japan is definitely antagonistic to Christianity in any form. (There can be no question of this. Korea’s experience, China’s experience etc., all point to this.) Very likely what Christianity there is, is undergoing a severe trial as being the religion of the foreign-enemy. by P. Deboer https://sb.rfpa.org/christianity-in-japan/ size 756440 bytes indexed 9/14/24 Hits: 3 There is no biblical support for the Pentecostal/Charismatic experience called 'Slain in the Spirit.' For various reasons, most people who practice this experience fake it by willingly 'fainting', and/or are influenced by well-understood effects of body positioning/balance, anticipation, hypnosis, peer-pressure and pride. https://www.bereanresearchinstitute.com/03_Doctrines/D.0003_Slain_in_the _Spirit.html size 28399 bytes indexed 9/13/24 Hits: 4 Growth and change does not involve our promises and pledges, for these are ropes of sand. Continual faith and the willingness to cooperate with God that is key to constant transformation. Our cooperation does not depend on our spiritual "back bone" or, in other words, our will power. However, cooperation does involve the power of the will. by -Jerry Finneman https://www.1888msc.org/resources/ssi/2013-q3/reformation-the-willingnes s-to-grow-and-change size 69224 bytes indexed 9/11/24 Hits: 7 An Open Letter to Evangelicals and Other Interested Parties: The People of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel. Recently a number of leaders in the Protestant community of the United States have urged the endorsement of far-reaching and unilateral political commitments to the people and land of Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, citing Holy Scripture as the basis for those commitments. Is This Biblical? https://web.archive.org/web/20060503225334/http://www.knoxseminary.org/P rospective/Faculty/WittenbergDoor/index.html?Printer=yes size 67275 bytes indexed 9/9/24 Hits: 9 Many people interpret Ezekiel's temple vision in chapters 40-48 as a more or less literal blueprint for either the post-exilic temple or a yet-future millennial temple. The New Testament, however, points to a different kind of fulfillment-- fulfillment in a person, not in a building. In Ezekiel 47, the temple to which God's glory had returned is the source of the life-giving water. In the New Testament, we see that Christ is the new and final temple of prophetic hope. by Dr. Dennis J. Ireland https://web.archive.org/web/20150913000403/http://rq.rts.edu/spring99/wa ter.html size 15811 bytes indexed 9/9/24 Hits: 15 I believe That the Temple is a vision about the purity and spiritual vitality of the worship of God by God’s people. This is why the name of the new city on which the temple sits is 'The Lord is there' (Ezekiel 48:35). The Old Testament tabernacle and temples were typical and symbolic of God’s presence among His people. I believe that Ezekiel was prophesying about the Church in a figurative sense; he did not have a literal temple in mind. by Ps JJ Lim https://pilgrim-covenant.com/2023/01/01/when-will-the-new-temple-prophes ied-by-prophet-ezekiel-be-built/ size 66924 bytes indexed 9/9/24 Hits: 8 [PDF - Adobe Acrobat] There are many things not specifically forbidden in Scripture that we may properly engage in but which are neither profitable nor convenient. I Corinthians 10:23 All things are law ful for me, but all things are not expedient. All things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. In an age when alcohol is one of the Devil's foremost means of ensnaring souls and bringing them to temporal and eternal ruin surely the drinking of alcohol by the Christian is one such matter that is not expedient. by Rev. Andrew Foster https://www.ivanfoster.net/pdf/Articles21.pdf size 49393 bytes indexed 9/9/24 Hits: 7 Preaching is the most difficult thing I do in the ministry. Effective preaching requires so much more than understanding and explaining a text. It requires knowing a church and explaining themselves to them. It requires constant attention to one’s own spiritual life. Preachers know when they are spiritually dry, and my guess is that our churches do as well. by Pastor Jonathan Homesley https://jonathanhomesley.com/2024/06/21/preaching-a-few-thoughts/ size 87833 bytes indexed 9/7/24 Hits: 6 Since the Christia believes that death is not the end of a person's existence, the question frequently asked is, 'When a person dies, where does his or her spirit or soul go?' First of all, our spiritual destination depends upon whether we were born of God in this life before we passed, or we died unsaved. As far as the Christian goes, the answer to life after death should be settled in their mind. by Tony Warren https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/eschatology/where-do-we-go-when-we-di e.html size 38923 bytes indexed 8/31/24 Hits: 9 Methodology! For those who may not be familiar with the term Hermeneutics, it refers to our method of interpreting the Bible. The Scriptures are inspired by God and as such, we must approach them with an appropriate level of humility, reverence and caution. A good Hermeneutic provides rules of Biblical interpretation that keep us from drawing unwarranted conclusions from a text of Scripture. by Marius Barnard https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/eschatology/why-every-christian-shoul d-consider-the-amillennial-view.html size 16915 bytes indexed 8/29/24 Hits: 13 Anyone familiar with the in-house feud between Reformed postmillenarians and Reformed amillenarians knows that the debate between these two positions is often framed in terms of "optimistic" postmillenarians vs. "pessimistic" amillenarians. But Scripture reveals why the 'Optimism vs. Pessimism' Paradigm Doesn't Work. by Kim Riddlebarger https://www.modernreformation.org/resources/articles/eschatology-by-etho s size 263388 bytes indexed 8/29/24 Hits: 11 Let’s come to Revelation 20. You’ll notice quickly that I believe that the text lends itself to an amillennial interpretation. And hopefully, that’s not just because I want to pick a camp that Reformed people are in, but because it is, in fact, biblical. But I encourage you to be Bereans and search the scriptures for yourselves on these things. The millennium question does matter, but I certainly think it’s less important than many people have made it to be. by Kevin DeYoung https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/eschatology/making-sense-of-the-mille nnium.html size 52336 bytes indexed 8/27/24 Hits: 16 The desire of some Christians for a literal millennium on evangelistic grounds is partly due to their exaggerated and unduly optimistic conception of what this world is intended to become through the influence of Christianity in the present dispensation. They Hypothisize that it must be an ideal state (often political) in which the forces arrayed on the side of Christ shall be in full control of all spheres of life is looked forward to. The Scriptures do not bear this out. by Geerhardus Johannes Vos https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/eschatology/the-second-coming-of-our- lord-and-the-millennium.html size 29573 bytes indexed 8/25/24 Hits: 16 Who is the Antichrist? The important point regarding Antichrist, which is often overlooked by many, is also clear from the passage just cited. Not only has Antichrist already come, but John indicates that there is not merely one Antichrist, but a series of such enemies of Jesus Christ. by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/eschatology/the-antichrist.html size 17005 bytes indexed 8/25/24 Hits: 9 If both tribulation and the millennial reign span the entire church age, then the teaching concerning them is a comfort to believers in any age. Instead of the first-century Christian being bewildered by vague descriptions of twentieth-century military hardware, he is heartened by a vision of victory. by Rich Ritchie https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/eschatology/we-shall-also-reign-with- him.html size 19148 bytes indexed 8/25/24 Hits: 26 Is the modern state of Israel and Zionism in general the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham? Classical Dispensationalism presents two programs of salvation, though recent revisions have toned down on the radical discontinuity. In classical Dispensationalism, God's ultimate program involves the nation Israel. The Church is a "parenthesis" (Chafer), a sort of footnote or sidetrack in contrast to God's main mission to save ethnic, national Israel. by Michael S.Horton https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/eschatology/the-church-and-israel.htm l size 14805 bytes indexed 8/24/24 Hits: 22 Jesus took six stone jars that were there for the Jewish rites of purification and filled the waterpots "to the brim" with water. Jesus then performs his first miracle according to John by turning the water into wine. And not just any wine, but the 'good' wine. After this, John writes something very significant. He writes, 'This, the first of his signs!' by Matthew Gilbert https://matgilbert.wordpress.com/2013/11/05/jesus-wine-and-the-fullness- of-time/ size 145659 bytes indexed 8/7/24 Hits: 22 Concerning the writings of Meredith G. Kline on the Book of Revelation chapter 7, "Har Magedon: The End of the Millennium." The implications of Revelation 16:16 rightly interpreted (Har Magedon is the Mount of Assembly where the final battle rages) as the after-millennial reign of the church, a spiritual Mount Zion, when Satan is loosed to attack the camp of the saints. by Danny E. Olinger https://opc.org/os.html?article_id=942 size bytes 42778 indexed 7/10/24 Hits: 22 The market for doomsday bunkers has expanded beyond eccentric billionaires. Can you provide peace of mind for your family with a survival bunker? Christians should look forward to and pray for the day when Jesus will come to right all wrongs. In the meantime, focus on the certainty of today and eternity. Cultivate lives of godliness here, loving those around us, and pointing others to Jesus. by Justin Poythress https://www.reformation21.org/blog/prepping-for-the-impending-apocalypse size 43823 bytes indexed 5/27/24 Hits: 21 times that I stood at a deathbed, watching as a soul prepared to leave this earthly house and slip away into eternity. I have also had the opportunity of walking down the valley, as it were, with persons who had but a short time to live, until the moment when they drew away into eternity. by Rev. Cornelius Hanko https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/apologetics/deaths-triumph.html size 20894 bytes indexed 5/14/24 Hits: 21 |