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Undoubtedly there are some people reading this page that are currently involved in a church that believes in spiritual covering. Who is your covering? While many Christians have never heard that phrase a growing segment of the church knows exactly what it means. It means "which authority are you submitted to." Among evangelicals there is a growing movement that teaches all people in the church need to be properly "covered" by God’s "delegated authority" in the church https://coveringandauthority.com/ size 53483 bytes indexed 1/14/25 Hits: 1 Everyone knows that a good organization needs good, strong leadership and by virtue of the authority of the positions they are placed in, these men have authority over others. In Matthew's gospel (9:36), Jesus speaks of those who are as sheep without a shepherd. So many will say, See, we NEED to have shepherds over us. Yet there is ONE Shepherd! that Great Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ! In 1 Cor. 1:3 we are reminded that the head of man is Christ. Period. We are instructed to call no man father, because we have One Father! http://www.tft4u.net/spiritual-authority.html size 198663 bytes indexed 1/14/25 Hits: 2 Hermeneutics (as related to Christianity) is the science of textual interpretation, the branch of theology that deals with the methodologies and principles of study, knowledge, and elucidation of the Scriptures. Sound Hermeneutics has to do with the proper way of approaching, receiving, handling, and adjudicating scripture. What system of interpretation we use determines how we will both approach the Bible, and if we will justify ourselves in manipulating it. by Tony Warren https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/bible/principles-of-sound-hermeneutic s.html size 124271 bytes indexed 1/9/25 Hits: 4 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ‘You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.The second tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, man must not eat from it. In the day that man eats of it, he shall surely die. Strange? by Dr. Kevin DeYoung https://clearlyreformed.org/sermon/a-glorious-world-and-a-good-design/ size 150655 bytes indexed 1/4/25 Hits: 6 Genesis 6:1-4 As Murray points out, supposition of angelic/human marriages is an importation which the syntax does not support and against which the terms definitely militate. All that is stated is that the nephilim were in the earth in the days when the sons of God took wives from the daughters of men. The natural construction is that they were already in the earth when these marriages took place. In other words, whatever we think of these nephilim, they also were humanm. It is not even necessary to conclude that they were the product of the marriages being described. by Nate Baker https://reformation-opc.org/the-sons-of-god-the-daughters-of-men-gen-61- 4/ size 466925 bytes indexed 1/3/25 Hits: 7 Touching what is said of the kingdom of heaven in this parable of the ten virgins, we may observe that Christ is wont in his parables to make use of things known and familiar amongst the Jews for similitudes, wherewith to represent spiritual things; and so he does here in the similitudes he here uses, alluding to the manners of the Jews at their weddings. by Johnathan Edwards https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/classics/jonathanedwards/on-the-parab le-of-the-wise-and-foolish-virgins.html size 438812 bytes indexed 1/3/25 Hits: 7 An examination of the Jewish theory of prophecy, the restoration, the six day war, the future of national Israel, Zechariah and the mystery of the New Testament church, and Romans chapter eleven and the two Israels. The discussion whether the Jewish people will be fully restored to the land of Palestine and enter into divine blessings withheld from them for 2,000 years past, is worthwhile only for the bearing it may have upon godliness and the right interpretation and exposition of Holy Scripture. by Charles D. Alexander http://www.mountainretreatorg.net/eschatology/charles-d-alexander/prophe cy-spiritually-understood.html size 5342 bytes indexed 1/1/25 Hits: 6 People cannot fix what ails this world, nor the brokenness of life, they must trust God to fix whatewver is broken. Vanity of vanities says the Preacher, all is vanity. The term means ‘breath’ or just a gust of wind that you take as air, your body does what it wills with that air, and then you exhale it. The air you exhale disappears and is of no further value, is untraceable and useless. That, says the Preacher, is true of all things. All is vanity, all is breath, exhaled, gone, of no value. by Rev Clarence Bouwman https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/sermons/only-the-god-of-life-can-fix- the-bokenness-of-life.html size 26137 bytes indexed 12/31/24 Hits: 5 The gospel is not about Jesus enhancing one’s self-esteem, nor merely about getting help from God to get through a hard situation. The good news of Jesus is infinitely better than these, because it answers a problem that is far worse than low self-esteem or feelings of discouragement. It addresses the problem of God’s wrath against us because of our sin. It's the only religion that does. by Rev. Tracy Gruggen https://www.bakersfieldreformed.org/the-gospel-of-jesus-christ size 89907 bytes indexed 12/31/24 Hits: 7 Is the Lord answering the question of Help from God by telling us to bring to mind in this year, when you don’t know what to do, say, 'Sure I do. I can pray and I can sing.' Whether you like to sing or you don't sing well, you can turn to the psalter, you can turn to a hymnal, and you can make unto the Lord a joyful noise. You can trust Him, you can pray, and you can count on Him. by Dr. Kevin DeYoung https://clearlyreformed.org/sermon/a-prayer-for-the-powerless/ size 138164 bytes indexed 12/31/24 Hits: 7 Or the Biblical perspectives on mixed courtships and mixed marriage between Christians and non-christians. For Christians, the term mixed marriage refers to a marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian, or between a believer and an unbeliever. what does the Scripture have to say concerning this matter? Believe it or not, there is no ambiguity in Scripture on mixed marriages between a believer and an unbeliever. It is 'strictly' forbidden! by Rev. Arthur VanDelden https://mountainretreatorg.net/apologetics/biblical-perspectives-on-marr iages-between-believers-and-unbelievers.html size 28214 bytes indexed 12/30/24 Hits: 9 A critical book review of "The Fire That Consumes," A Biblical and historical study of the doctrine of Hell, the Final Punishment, by Edward William Fudge. (1982, 1985, Houston, TX: Providential). Is annihilationism true? This book investigates the teaching of Scripture on the topic of final punishment including the immortality of the soul and the nature of Hell. by Edward William Fudge https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/apologetics/a-critical-review-of-the- fire-that-consumes.html size 19119 bytes indexed 12/29/24 Hits: 6 Postmillennialism had been pronounced dead when R. J. Rushdoony and his fellow Reconstructionists resuscitated it in 1977 with stimulating though non-exegetical publications. In the following decades, many in Rushdoony’s train added innovative biblical arguments whose interpretive methods do not withstand scrutiny. This article examines the hermeneutical idiosyncrasies and exegetical fallacies displayed in defenses of postmillennialism by Greg Bahnsen, Kenneth Gentry, David Chilton, Keith Mathison, Douglas Wilson, and others. by Jeremy Sexton https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/article/postmillennialism-a -biblical-critique/ size 161186 bytes indexed 12/28/24 Hits: 7 Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by that devil, Satan. And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. But He answered and said, It is written, 'man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.' by Dr. Ligon Duncan https://rts.edu/resources/jesus-temptation-and-response/ size 157672 bytes indexed 12/26/24 Hits: 24 Jesus is in Jerusalem. The feast of 'the dedication' is being celebrated by the Jews. This feast, though not authorized by the Hebrew Scriptures, was nevertheless celebrated annually by the Jews. The Jews call it Hanukkah which is Hebrew for dedication. But no Jesus. Nevertheless, believe God Jesus and celebrate and be dedicated to this Lord Jesus, and to His truth that He is the New Temple. by Mitchell C. Dick https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/articles/hanukkah-and-the-temple-trut h.html size 229012 bytes indexed 12/25/24 Hits: 12 Christ came, we are told, in order to obey, all the way to the dreadful cross. And now the same One who was born of the virgin and laid in a manger, sits enthroned at the right hand of Almighty God. He is now King of kings and Lord of lords. He’s been given 'a name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus, ever knee should bow to the glory of God the Father.' That is the Christmas message, the Christian Gospel in summary. by David Strain https://fpcjackson.org/resource-library/sermons/the-call-of-christmas/pr int/ size 26794 bytes indexed 12/24/24 Hits: 10 The two words 'in public' at the end of the headline are critical. Certainly every Christian should endeavor to keep Christ in Christmas in their home privately, and in their church. But what about in public? Is it still important to keep Christ in Christmas in the public sector. Personally I believe it is important for Christians to preserve the freedom to celebrate Christmas in public. by Nathan Cherry https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/apologetics/is-it-important-to-keep-c hrist-in-christmas-in-public.html size 8198 bytes indexed 12/24/24 Hits: 12 Is Hell for real or is everyone just going to cease to exist? As opposed to the heretical view of Annihilationism, the correct view of the afterlife is called, 'Certain Eternal Existence,' which maintains that the elect go to Heaven forever and ever and the reprobate go to Hell forever and ever (Matthew 25:46). There is eternal fire in Hell, however it is not the type of fire that totally consumes the imperishable body out of existence. by Dr. Joseph R. Nally, Jr. https://thirdmill.org/answers/answer.asp/file/46711 size 108709 bytes indexed 12/24/24 Hits: 22 The Queen of Sheba came and saw the some of the faithfulness and greatness of the Lord God in how blessed Israel was with a wise king and with such great prosperity. She knew, this all has to do with the Name of the Lord, the God of Israel. So, God receives glory even from the mouth of a pagan queen who saw with her own eyes what the Lord does with a king and a people who are faithful in serving Him. by Rev. Jack Moesker https://theseed.info/sermon.php?id=1776 size 29286 bytes indexed 12/22/24 Hits: 6 Christmas is coming, and you are beginning to reflect on it. In the book of John are Christmas words. They tell us that when Jesus, who is the Word of God, became man He showed us something about who God is. The Christmas story is about God’s righteousness. The reason why Jesus became man was to bear man’s sin. The sin of God’s people, our sin, is at the heart of the Christmas message. Our rejoicing should be fueled by repentance for sin and faith in the saving Son of God. by Dr. Allen D. Curry http://www.rts.edu/resources/christmas-a-time-to-get-to-know-god/ size 140338 bytes indexed 12/21/24 Hits: 14 |