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These are the 20 latest additions to the database
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  1. When It Comes To Witnessing, Are We Just Too Impatient?   Open in New Window
    Are we patient and persistent when praying and working for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom? Or are we often in a great rush in our witnessing to the lost? If we don’t see a response of faith in the first few weeks, or months, or years, we become impatient, we despair, and we wonder if it is all a waste of time. Are we caught up in the frustration of witnessing? If it isn’t working, just move on, right? By Brian Zegers and Peter Vogel


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  2. Remembering the Good Thief   Open in New Window
    In Scripture we read that Jesus Christ was crucified along with two other men. But only in Luke’s Gospel do we learn about the dialogue that took place between Jesus and the two condemned criminals. The conversation is packed with spiritual significance. Even in his final moments Jesus has a profound impact on the thief on the cross. One criminal repents and returns to God while the other continues to reject God and ends his life unrepentant. by Robert Arakaki

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  3. The dying thief: What was so great about his faith?   Open in New Window
    There are many acts of extraordinary faith in the Bible. The one that has impressed me the most concerns the thief on the cross. We could take the approach that he had nothing to lose, so he decided to cast his lot with Jesus. But this makes absolutely no sense of the text and the context. In this conversion we have a specific fulfillment of Christ's first words on the cross. No sooner had Christ spoken the words, 'Father, forgive them,' had the Father answered that prayer by turning a once-reviling criminal into a Christ-glorifying saint. by Mark Jones

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  4. The Comfort of Samson   Open in New Window
    Judges is one of those books of the Bible that we tend to read at a distance. We don’t want to identify too closely with the people of God of old who "did what was right in their own eyes" (Judges 17:6). Nor do we feel very comfortable seeing the church underage looking more like Sodom and Gomorrah than God’s representatives on earth (Judges 19). by Keith Evans

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  5. The Two Age Model as Interpretive Grid   Open in New Window
    It is important to consider the basic eschatological framework provided for us by the New Testament writers' two-age model, who speak of eschatological matters with one voice when they depict God’s sovereign control of history as the out-working of two qualitatively distinct and successive eschatological ages, known variously as 'this age" and the "age to come.' This age being present course of human history, and the age to come of redemption promised throughout the Old Testament. by Kim Riddlebarger


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  6. What Is the Gospel? A Baptist Perspective   Open in New Window
    The revival that impacted Particular Baptist life in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries provided a solid foundation for the globalization of the gospel by what had once been a marginalized Christian denomination. Since Fuller’s day, Baptists have been shaped by a passion to evangelize and take the gospel to the ends of the earth. They are certain that the gospel inevitably entails an activist mindset to 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.' by Michael A. G. Haykin


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  7. Blessed Are The Pure In Heart   Open in New Window
    Blessed Are The Poor In Heart - What are we to make of Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:8 when he says, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Is this good news, or bad news? First of all, we need to take a look at the larger context of Jesus’ statement, which appears in the opening section of his Sermon on the Mount, often referred to as the Beatitudes. by Shane Rosenthal


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  8. Contend For The Faith   Open in New Window
    Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints." -Jude 3.The famous "contend for the faith" passage is best approached by its overall structure. What exactly then is the priority? In a word—Contend. As we will see, this teaches us that a clear and present danger is oftentimes a higher priority than is the good which is endangered. by Matt Marino

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  9. The 24 Elders Worship Their Creator   Open in New Window
    twenty-four thrones, and seated on the thrones were twenty-four elders, clothed in white garments, with golden crowns on their heads. With that description, their identity should not be too difficult to decipher. They represent all the redeemed people of God, the Church. by Brent Horan


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  10. The Deity of Christ   Open in New Window
    Paul again tells us of Christ's Deity when he tells us, in him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily (Col 2:9). And what of Paul's word as to the equality of the Son with the Father? and how he had to become less than what He was to become man. by Doyle D. Dewberry


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  11. Christianity in Japan   Open in New Window
    What to think of the status of Christianity during the war in 1944? The foreign missionaries are either gone or imprisoned. The militaristic party in control of Japan is definitely antagonistic to Christianity in any form. (There can be no question of this. Korea’s experience, China’s experience etc., all point to this.) Very likely what Christianity there is, is undergoing a severe trial as being the religion of the foreign-enemy. by P. Deboer

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  12. Slain in the Spirit   Open in New Window
    There is no biblical support for the Pentecostal/Charismatic experience called 'Slain in the Spirit.' For various reasons, most people who practice this experience fake it by willingly 'fainting', and/or are influenced by well-understood effects of body positioning/balance, anticipation, hypnosis, peer-pressure and pride.


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  13. Reformation: The Willingness to Grow and Change   Open in New Window
    Growth and change does not involve our promises and pledges, for these are ropes of sand. Continual faith and the willingness to cooperate with God that is key to constant transformation. Our cooperation does not depend on our spiritual "back bone" or, in other words, our will power. However, cooperation does involve the power of the will. by -Jerry Finneman


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  14. The People of God, Land of Israel, and Impartiality of the Gospel   Open in New Window
    An Open Letter to Evangelicals and Other Interested Parties: The People of God, the Land of Israel, and the Impartiality of the Gospel. Recently a number of leaders in the Protestant community of the United States have urged the endorsement of far-reaching and unilateral political commitments to the people and land of Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, citing Holy Scripture as the basis for those commitments. Is This Biblical?


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  15. Drink My Water and You'll Never Thirst Again   Open in New Window
    Many people interpret Ezekiel's temple vision in chapters 40-48 as a more or less literal blueprint for either the post-exilic temple or a yet-future millennial temple. The New Testament, however, points to a different kind of fulfillment-- fulfillment in a person, not in a building. In Ezekiel 47, the temple to which God's glory had returned is the source of the life-giving water. In the New Testament, we see that Christ is the new and final temple of prophetic hope. by Dr. Dennis J. Ireland


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  16. When will Ezekiel’s temple be built?   Open in New Window
    I believe That the Temple is a vision about the purity and spiritual vitality of the worship of God by God’s people. This is why the name of the new city on which the temple sits is 'The Lord is there' (Ezekiel 48:35). The Old Testament tabernacle and temples were typical and symbolic of God’s presence among His people. I believe that Ezekiel was prophesying about the Church in a figurative sense; he did not have a literal temple in mind. by Ps JJ Lim


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  17. Should Today's Christian Drink Alcohol   Open in New Window
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    There are many things not specifically forbidden in Scripture that we may properly engage in but which are neither profitable nor convenient. I Corinthians 10:23 All things are law ful for me, but all things are not expedient. All things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. In an age when alcohol is one of the Devil's foremost means of ensnaring souls and bringing them to temporal and eternal ruin surely the drinking of alcohol by the Christian is one such matter that is not expedient. by Rev. Andrew Foster

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  18. Preaching, A Few Thoughts   Open in New Window
    Preaching is the most difficult thing I do in the ministry. Effective preaching requires so much more than understanding and explaining a text. It requires knowing a church and explaining themselves to them. It requires constant attention to one’s own spiritual life. Preachers know when they are spiritually dry, and my guess is that our churches do as well. by Pastor Jonathan Homesley

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  19. Where Do People Go When They Die   Open in New Window
    Since the Christia believes that death is not the end of a person's existence, the question frequently asked is, 'When a person dies, where does his or her spirit or soul go?' First of all, our spiritual destination depends upon whether we were born of God in this life before we passed, or we died unsaved. As far as the Christian goes, the answer to life after death should be settled in their mind. by Tony Warren


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  20. Why Every Christian Should Consider The Amillennial View   Open in New Window
    Methodology! For those who may not be familiar with the term Hermeneutics, it refers to our method of interpreting the Bible. The Scriptures are inspired by God and as such, we must approach them with an appropriate level of humility, reverence and caution. A good Hermeneutic provides rules of Biblical interpretation that keep us from drawing unwarranted conclusions from a text of Scripture. by Marius Barnard


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