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These are the 20 latest additions to the database
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  1. Laodicea: The spiritually dead church   Open in New Window
    The incentive for those whom God loves to separate from the apostasy of a false church is given in verses 20 and 21: 'Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.' Christ was no longer in the church of Laodicea. He stood outside of this church. by Wilbur G. Bruinsma

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  2. Words Matter: Recovering Godly Speech in a Culture of Profanity   Open in New Window
    Christians should be intentional with their encouragement and understand that words, in a myriad of different ways, matter. Ask yourself every morning during your personal devotions, "How can I be an encouragement to others with my words today? How can I refresh and build up those around me?" Let your words be a conduit of grace and encouragement, and not another means of drawing attention to yourself, your problems, or the deficiencies of others. by Jon D. Payne

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  3. Christ’s Breathing Forth the Spirit   Open in New Window
    Why did Jesus breathe on His disciples and give them the Holy Spirit declaring that 'whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.' The answer to this question is found in John 20:23. Very much the same truth is found in Matthew 16:19 and 18:18. The apostles were entrusted with the Holy Spirit that they might exercise the keys of the kingdom of heaven by preaching (Matt. 16:19) and the exercise of church discipline (Matt. 18:17-18). by Herman Hanko


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  4. The Sin Of Forgiveness   Open in New Window
    Jesus said, speaking to His church, 'Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them' (John 20:23), where remit is forgive. Of course, no church pays for sins. But the church forgives sins when, on behalf of God, the church declares God’s forgiveness to repentant and believing sinners. Calvin said that Christ 'enjoins them [His ministers] to proclaim the forgiveness of sins...' And, '...the forgiveness of sins…is committed to their trust.' by Prof. Barrett Gritters

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  5. Profanity Is Worse Than You Think   Open in New Window
    Is Cussing a sin? Profanity is really not about the number of letters in a word; it’s about the way we treat, talk about, or fail to reverence or enjoy people and things God has created. Profanity is a bad thing, not primarily because it talks about bad things, but because it talks badly about good things. We need to cultivate a more comprehensive understanding of profanity so we can guard against every expression of it. by Tim Shorey

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  6. Should Christians Cuss?   Open in New Window
    Should Christians Cuss? The answer is an unequivocal no. Christians should not cuss and the Holy Bible makes that unambiguously clear. Rather than being those who attempt to justify their foul words that even the lost world around them clearly understands to be offensive, filthy, and morally-corrupt, Christians should be people whose words are full of grace, wisdom, truth, praise, and thanksgiving. by Tony de la Riva

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  7. The Looming Battle Between Artificial Intelligence and The Church   Open in New Window
    When I saw the power of Sora, AI went from being a mildly interesting novelty to a serious threat. I thought to myself that this is the beginning of the end of a society that cares about and searches for objective truth. Admittedly, we’ve been sliding down this hill for a while, but this will be the proverbial shove that launches us over the side of the cliff. by Jack Lee


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  8. Is it biblical to ask Jesus into your heart?   Open in New Window
    The verse from which the 'ask Jesus into your heart' concept is usually taken is Revelation 3:20, 'Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.' Notice, however, that the verse does not mention the heart at all. Neither does the individual ask Jesus to do anything; rather, Jesus asks us to do something. In context, Jesus is speaking to the church of Laodicea, who was in desperate need of repentance (verse 19).

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  9. Refusing the King's Meat   Open in New Window
    In Reformed theology, the "sin of Balaam" refers to the act of using one's spiritual gifts or position for personal gain, specifically by compromising one's convictions or morals for money or power, as exemplified by the biblical prophet Balaam who was tempted to curse the Israelites for payment from King Balak, despite God's command not to do so. The line of David was being turned away from Jehovah toward the gods of the Chaldeans. The covenant seed was being mixed with the world. The sin of Balaam was again rearing its ugly head. by Allen Brummel


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  10. Rediscovering A Biblical View of the church   Open in New Window
    [PDF - Adobe Acrobat]
    Balaam was an interesting character of whom the Scripture has much to say. Here are just a few scriptural facts about Balaam. In Numbers 25 we read of the amazing judgement of God on the people when they fell into the sin of Balaam. Here we read of an unheard of immorality among a people promised to one God playing or acting like harlots, bowing down to other gods, and joining themselves to foreign deities. God's wrath is unleashed within the camp due to their rebellious activity.

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  11. Sabellianism   Open in New Window
    One of the most fundamental questions that exercised the early Church was this, what is the relationship between Jesus and God? ‘What think ye of Christ?’ The early Church was convinced of the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was and is ‘Emmanuel, God with us’, but problems arose when attempts were made to explain, rather then just communicate, the deity of Christ to those outside the Church.

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  12. Even So Send I You   Open in New Window
    The Lord said to His disciples in John 20 after He said, 'Even so send I you,' and after He had given to them the Holy Spirit (He breathed on them and said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost), He said these words: 'Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained." That passage has been tortured by the church in the idea that the church has the power in itself to perform absolution of sins. No, this is something that Christ does through His church, in His name. by ev Carl J Haak

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  13. 5 Modalists Proof Texts Refuted   Open in New Window
    Modalism is the heretical view that God, unlike on Trinitarianism, is not 3 persons in 1 divine essence, but is instead 1 person in 1 divine essence, and this 1 person goes through different "modes" (hence the name "modalism"). For example, water can exist in 3 different states; liquid, solid, and ice. These are just different states that the water goes into, but it’s still only 1 substance.

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  14. Is Jesus Knocking at the Door of Your Church?   Open in New Window
    Examining a commonly misunderstood verse - First, Jesus Christ is concluding His remarks in seven letters to seven churches. The letters are addressed specifically to the angels of the respective churches. Angels are messengers. Jesus calls John an angel (Mark 1:2; Luke 7:27, Greek New Testament). These angels are likely the pastors of the churches. Christ delivers His message to His churches through His pastors. These pastors are also shepherds of the local flocks. All of this has significance for our interpretation. by Dennis Prutow


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  15. Behold, I Stand at the Door and Knock   Open in New Window
    An erroneous interpretation is that Jesus is begging to be allowed into the sinner’s heart. The natural man is in spiritual death, unable to want to choose for Christ (Eph. 2:1-3; 4:18; Jer. 17:9; Rom. 8:7). Rather, this is the door of the Christian church in Laodicea, which is a part of the true church, though in sad condition. Jesus stands before this church, not begging, but as a King of the world, Head of the church, and as chastening Father. The Lord is portrayed as being outside because generally the church acted and spoke as if it had no need of Him (17). by Rev. Ronald Van Overloop

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  16. What is Modalism   Open in New Window
    Modalism, or Sabellianism, involves errors regarding the Trinity. The orthodox doctrine of the Trinity affirms that God is one in essence and three in Person. Modalism initially was taught by a bishop in the early church named Sabellius (ca. 215 AD). Modalism teaches that only one God exists and that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are different modes or manifestations of the one God. by Dr. Joseph R. Nally, Jr.

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  17. What is Sabellianism?   Open in New Window
    A third-century presbyter named Sabellius began to emphasize in his church (probably in Rome) the oneness of God, as opposed to God’s tri-unity. In fact, Sabellius went so far as to say that there are no distinctions between the "persons" of the Godhead—the one God manifests Himself at different times and for different purposes in three different "modes" or "aspects." This teaching, called "Sabellianism," grew out of earlier forms of Modalistic Monarchianism.

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  18. Trinitarianism 101   Open in New Window
    Of all the doctrines of the Christian faith honored in name and neglected in practice by evangelicals, the Trinity probably has no rival. There are two common errors, Of all the doctrines of the Christian faith honored in name and neglected in practice by evangelicals, the Trinity probably has no rival. Ask any evangelical if he believes in the Trinity, and you will almost certainly receive a strongly affirmative answer. Ask what difference the doctrine makes, and you might well be greeted by embarrassing silence. There are two common errors, Modalism and Tritheism.

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  19. Why Modalism Is A Damnable Heresy   Open in New Window
    Hopefully this article will effectively addressed the reasons why Modalism is a serious heresy, and is not to be taken lightly. Especially, it is not to be accepted as a valid, non-essential doctrine within the bounds of orthodoxy. Modalism completely denies the true God and creates a false god that does not exist.


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  20. Spiritual Covering and Authority   Open in New Window
    Undoubtedly there are some people reading this page that are currently involved in a church that believes in spiritual covering. Who is your covering? While many Christians have never heard that phrase a growing segment of the church knows exactly what it means. It means "which authority are you submitted to." Among evangelicals there is a growing movement that teaches all people in the church need to be properly "covered" by God’s "delegated authority" in the church

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