
Psalm 1 - A Hymn

by Bill Baldwin

I wrote the following as a hymn based on Psalm 1, but bringing out the Christological elements inherent in that Psalm. It may be sung to any of the following tunes. The hymn numbers refer to the red Trinity Hymnal published by Great Commission and in common use in the OPC and PCA:

Hymn 119 "I Sing the Almighty Power of God"
Or Hymn 79 - "My God, My God, O Why Have You Forsaken Me?"
Or Hymn 201 - "O Little Town of Bethlehem"

How blest our Savior who walked not
In counsel full of sin
Nor stood in wicked paths nor sat
In seat of scornful men.
But his delight was God's Law
And in that holy word
He meditated day and night
And treasured what he heard.

This Savior, he was like a tree
Firm planted in the ground.
Beside the water's flowing streams
Full sustenance he found.
He brought forth fruit in season.
His leaves saw no decay
And when the time had fully come
God prospered all his way.

Ungodly men are not like this
But like the chaff they fly
Before the wind that drives them forth
And, waterless, they die.
Such men, therefore, shall not stand
When judgment day is come
Nor unbelievers in the throng
That lauds the righteous One.

All praise to God the Father!
All praise to God the Son!
The Father has received our Lord.
Christ has the victory won!
The righteous Man has triumphed.
God has approved his way.
But all who do not know the Son
Shall perish in his day.


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