Center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology![]()
The Humanism of Arminianism
by Oscar B. Mink
"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (I Cor. 2:14)I know that definition of terms are generally very boring, but for the sake of clarity and understanding, it is necessary that the terms Arminianism and Humanism be defined at the outset of this discourse. The distinction between the two terms is in the far greater part superficial, and even more so when considered in the light of true religion. The term Humanism defined by Webster: "A doctrine, attitude, or way of life centered on human interests or values; especially a philosophy that assures the dignity and worth of man and his capacity for self realization through reason and often that rejects supernaturalism." This definition, as will be shown in the following consideration of the term is diametric or the very opposite of biblical anthropology.
Arminianism defined: It is a religious system centered in man. According to Arminianism, it is man that makes the decrees of God effectual. It consists of five (5) articles, i.e., 1. Conditional election. 2. Universal atonement; (That is, Christ in His sacrificial death made atonement for all of mankind). 3. Regeneration brings good works. 4. Divine grace is resistible. 5. Believers may finally fall from grace and be eternally lost.
These definitions are concise, and do not penetrate very deeply into the intense darkness of these man exalting and God debasing "isms", but we will enlarge upon them as we progress in the message. The main or central feature of Arminianism and Humanism is the idea that man is superior to God, and that man can, in and of himself, solve all of his problems without any supernatural help. An early perpetrator of Arminianism and Humanism is third century Pelagianism, which exalted the human will above that of the God of the Bible.
Knowing the Holy Spirit inspired word of God (II Tim. 3:16) is sufficient for reproof and correction of every sophism of man, it will be the exclusive criteria I shall use in refuting the preposterous frauds referred to in the heading of this message.
Firstly, let us consider the HUMANISM OF ARMINIANISM in the light of Scripture revelation concerning the absolute sovereignty of God. To say that God is sovereign is to own and proclaim that He is Almighty, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, and that "He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased." (Psa. 115:3). It is the inescapable obligation of the Adamic family to recognize the sovereignty of God, and to ascribe perfect praise unto Him. (Psa. 46:10; I Pet. 2:9). The God of the Bible has emphatically declared: "I am the first and the last; and beside me there is no God" (Isa. 44:6). Every other god (?) is conjured up by vain imagination, the figment of which is the very ground of both Humanism and Arminianism. The fatal aspect of these two nefarious "isms" is not that they do not have a god, but that their god is such an one as their inventors. (Psa. 50:21).
Humanism and Arminianism have a singular goal, and that is to dethrone God, and enthrone man. In both systems the sovereignty and authority of God over man is abrogated; man becomes the sovereign and God the suppliant; and man is the exclusive determiner of his eternal destiny. The doctrine of the sovereignty of God is so hateful to Humanism and Arminianism, they have mustered all the resources of carnal sagacity in an effort to find deficiency in the God of the Bible. The Apostles of the Lord have warned His churches, saying: ". . . There should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lust . . . having not the Spirit" (Jude 18, 19). These vain mockers are shut up to degenerate wisdom, and being bound by their finite intellect, cannot conceive of God as being any more than themselves, and say in their hearts: "We will not have this man to reign over us" (Luke 19:14). The term, "this man," is a reference to Christ.
"Humanism holds that human beings shape their own destiny" (Secular Humanism, by Homer Duncan). The person who is able to decree his or her own destiny is, and must be a god. So it is, Humanism is not a religion without a god, but every person according to its premise is a god in and of themselves. The inevitable result of this satanic concept is self worship, and the worst form of idolatry, is autolatry, or full of devotion to self. It was this very ideology that tripped up Lucifer (Isa. 14:13).
Arminianism, like Humanism is a religion without the God of the Bible, but it is not god-less, for this creature exalting system contends that man is the exclusive determiner of his own destiny. Therefore, like Humanism, every man is in and of himself a god. Oliver B. Green, recently deceased, but while as yet living was one of the most fervent advocates of Arminianism. Speaking of the sovereignty of God, predestination, election, and irresistible grace, said: "They are some of the rankest and some of the vilest doctrines I have ever heard." (Predestination, Pg. 1). The doctrines referred to by Mr. Green in the immediate quote are obnoxious to the supremacist intellect of the natural man, for the carnal mind is enmity against God (Rom. 8:7). However, the substitutionary death of Christ has atoned for the hereditary hatred of His elect people (Eph. 2:16), and they will in due season cry out from their inmost and redeemed soul: "The Lord God omnipotent reigneth" (Rev. 19:6).
There is not merely a correlation between Arminianism and Humanism, but when both systems are carefully examined, it will be readily seen they have the same choreographer, and dance to the flesh pleasing music of creature invincibility, and that without missing a step. Arminianism and Humanism contend that man is an autonomous entity, and that God's decrees may be negated by the vaunted will of man. They have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof. (II Tim. 3:5).
"This know also. that in the last days perilous times shall come" (II Tim. 3:1). The climax of this present evil age is imminent, perilous times have come, the foundation of the ecumenical church is laid, and the superstructure is going up at an accelerated pace. The false prophet and the Anti-Christ are waiting in the wings, and will in the near future step onto the world stage. The so-called Christian Church is utterly permeated with Arminianism, and the political and educational world is overrun with secular Humanism. Pseudo Christianity and Humanism will soon merge, for it is not difficult for two systems to merge when they are so much alike and their goals and ends are the same -- and that is the glorification of man.
But the struggling saint should not despair for no man, be he the personal anti-Christ is able to pluck God's elect from His all sovereign hand (John 10:27-29). The rantings and ravings of Arminianism and Humanism is nothing more that the rattling of their chains of degradation and death with which they are sovereignly bound. Arminianism says: "Sinners go to hell because God Almighty Himself could not save them! He did all He could. He failed" (Noel Smith, Defender Magazine). But the Bible doesn't agree with Noel Smith, for that infallible Book says, speaking of God: "What His soul desireth, even that He doeth" (Job. 23:13). Humanism says: "No Deity shall save us, we must save ourselves" (The Humanist Manifesto). The Scripture says that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh (I Tim. 3:16), and that "He shall save His people from their sins" (Matt. 1:21). Paul says, speaking of Christ: "According to His mercy He saved us" (Titus 3:5). If man's destiny is left to Arminianism or Humanism, God will be defeated and heaven deserted. But perish the thought, for the Sovereign and infallible Architect of the universe says: "He worketh all things after the counsel of His own will . . . And as I have purposed, so shall it stand" (Eph. 1:11; Isa. 14:24).
Humanism does not recognize the God of the Bible as an authority in any matter, and Arminianism disavows the authority of God in all things. If God is not sovereign in all things, then He is not sovereign in any thing, for that which He is not sovereign over, is the sovereign of all things, including God. However, God denounces His would-be detractors, asking: "Nay but, 0 man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say unto Him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?" (Rom. 9:20). The creature has NO right to question his Creator, for God's supreme and all pervading providence redounds to His own glory, and the eternal good of His people (Rom. 8:28; 1 Cor. 1:31).
Arminianism is nothing more than Humanism with a religious veneer, the combination of which is the ultimate subterfuge of the devil. Both systems are an eternal offense unto God, and it would be far better to have never been born, than to live and die trusting these God scandalizing errors for salvation from sin. So, let us not limit the Holy One of Israel. (Psa. 78:41), for His omnipotence is absolute, and no satanic ruse can in any wise hinder or disturb Him.
Secondly, let us consider the HUMANISM OF ARMINIANISM in the light of the Bible doctrine of the total depravity of man. The Psalmist says: ". . . Verily every man at his best state is altogether vanity" (Psa. 39:5). This text refers to man as he is in his Adamic nature, and it plainly says that Adam and all of his posterity are in their fallen nature, totally depraved. The text allows for no exceptions, and allows for no partial depravity. Every man was utterly and spiritually ruined in Adam, for when Adam rebelled against God (Gen. 3:6), his action was not representatively singular, for he was at the time the federal head of the family of man, and in his defiance of God, his posterity became utterly defiled, for they acted in Adam (I Cor. 15:21,22).
Arminianism takes exception to the doctrine of total depravity of fallen nature, and says: "Man is not a sinner at birth, but at birth man becomes a potential sinner" (John R. Rice, as quoted by John Zens, from The Sword), Religious Humanism calls the Bible account of the fall of Adam a fable, and Arminianism has put a little sugar on their position, so as to satisfy the religious curiosity of the natural man. However, if a man takes arsenic coated with sugar, it will kill him as readily as the plain or uncoated. Damnable doctrine is just that, no matter what flavor it comes in. "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (Rom. 5:12).
Humanism teaches that man as he is in nature is a moral giant and of infinite worth. Arminianism teaches the same thing, saying: "God valued man so highly that He sent His Son to redeem the whole family of man." Conversely, the Scripture says: "They have all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one" (Rom. 3:12). The word, "unprofitable," as used in this Scripture does not simply mean, no profit, but that man in the Edenic transgression suffered an irreparable deficit; and this loss has left man without God or hope.
Christ, in explicit and emphatic words said: "The flesh profiteth nothing" (John 6:63). But no matter how well defined the words of Christ may be, they have never made a favorable impression on Arminianism, and this pseudo system says: "God needs us, for we are the only feet, hands, and mouth God has." Poor handicapped God. But their god is not the God of the Bible, for He "taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man . . . and as he has purposed, so shall it stand . . . for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure" (Psa. 147:10; Isa. 14:24; Phil. 2:13).
The advocates of Arminianism and Humanism rebuke all who proclaim the immutable sovereignty of God over His universe, and all that is therein. They voice their objection, saying: "Your position on depravity dehumanizes man, and makes him as bad as the beast of the field." This objection is not even near the truth of what sovereign grace believers contend for. Our position is based squarely on Scripture, therefore we do not dehumanize man, but emphasize the fact he is man, and as man he has no God-likeness. Fallen and unredeemed man is the antithesis of God, for he is ungodly, and is an unrelenting enemy of God (Rom. 4:5; 5:10).
The fallacious charge that we make man as bad as the beast of the field misses the mark by an infinite distance. To say that fallen man is as the beast of the field is to insult the lower animal kingdom, and to pay man a highly undue compliment. For, we ask, What beast of the field is it that ever had an evil thought about God? Conversely, where and who is the man in his native state that ever had a good thought about God? "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart are only evil continually" (Gen. 6:5). To the natural man, God saith. "Thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself" (Psa. 50:21). This is the ultimate of evil thought, and manifests the utter and awful depravity of the human mind, and its fearful disregard for the unimpeachable holiness of God.
"But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves." (Jude 10; See also Eccl. 3:18). This Scripture declares, while man is supposed to be a rational creature by nature, he has corrupted the moral principles of humanity, and has stooped lower than the irrational beasts of the field. Simply, sin has corrupted every fiber and faculty of man's nature, so much so, he can neither know or obey God.
I ask in all seriousness, are we not in civilized and educational America living according to or below the code of the jungle? To answer this question in the negative is to deny nearly every newspaper headline that is printed in the USA, Humanism and Arminianism contend that the only thing wrong with man is: he needs a little more education. The unfavorable query is: Where is it that man can get this cure-all education? If we send our children to public school, they are inundated with humanism. If the family attends an Arminian church, it is deluged with the pernicious doctrine of self salvation. Christ rebuked some of the first century works mongers, saying: "Ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves" (Matt. 23:15). As it was then, so is it now. But as there was hope then, so it is now. There is a contemporaneous ray of light shining through the immense darkness of Arminianism and Humanism.
Hence, we go to the Holy Spirit inspired word of God, and when we do, we find that the "manifold wisdom of God" is to be known through His church, and "That unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen" (Eph. 3:10, 21). If a person's membership is in a church that teaches the carnal man at any time commend himself to the saving favor of God, he is in a false church no matter the name it may go by, or the "isms" it may teach and practice. The Scripture says, speaking of regeneration: ". . . It is not of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" (John 1:13). Christ said to His disciples: "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you . . ." (John 15:16). The Apostle Paul makes it known beyond contradiction that God's choice of His people antedated time and creation, and that according to the good pleasure of His will (Eph. 1:4-9). So it is, God in His great love for His people who are caught in the satanic snares of Arminianism and/or Humanism, admonishes them, saying: "Come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (II Cor. 6:17).
Thirdly, we will further consider the Humanism of Arminianism and its theory that fallen man's will is the determinative factor in his present and future well-being.
Humanism and Arminianism teaches that one of man's most destructive flaws is to mistrust himself. In countering this fallacious elevation of the native intellect of man, Paul says: "We rejoice in Christ, and have no confidence in the flesh" (Phil. 3:3). Christ, speaking of regeneration, declares: "it is not of the flesh, nor of !he will of man, but of God" (John 1:13). Salvation of the soul is not the result of a cooperative effort of God and man, but God is the Sovereign and solitary author of the salvation of His people (Heb. 12:2). Esau, Isaac's first born son, trusted in himself, and while running in the energy of the flesh, he lost the blessing (Gen. 27), and reflecting on Esau's diligent effort to earn the promised blessing, Paul said: "So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy" (Rom. 9:16).
Humanists claim that academic learning is the panacea for all of man's ills and difficulties. It is this sort Paul has in mind when he says, they are: "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (II Tim. 3:7). The more they learn the more acute becomes their ignorance of God, and despite for His word. The humanist contends that the Bible is a myth, a fabrication of unlearned and ignorant men. Thus it is, he allows no place for the Bible in his acumen. His learning has given sophistication to his atheism, but he will one day learn that his denial of the God of the Bible has infinitely aggravated his reprobation (Rom. 2:5). "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness" (I Cor. 3:19).
Humanists puffed up on their academic attainments have concluded that their postulates are axiomatic, and that their wisdom is so absolute it allows for no "ifs" or "perhaps". Their dogmatism is that of a fool, for they have said in their hearts, "There is no God" (Psa. 14:1), and they know nothing yet as they ought to know it (I Cor. 8:2). The born again person does not deny the contention of the Humanists that an education in the arts and sciences taught by the elite institutions of men enhances success. The Lord's churches have a high regard and respect for success, but what they know and proclaim is: any success that does not own God as its Author is of the flesh and the flesh profiteth nothing. Simply, aside from God there is NO genuine success.
Arminianism says: "Man has the intellectual power to choose eternal life or death, and that every man is given ample space to make up his mind in this vital matter". But Christ says, speaking of the natural man: "Ye will not come to Me that ye might have life" (John 5:40). Speaking of the utter impotence of man's natural will, Christ says: "No man can come to me . . ." (John 6:44). Paul, in his accentuation of this truth, says: "The carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God" (Rom. 8:7,8). The natural man is "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (II Tim. 3:7).
Arminianism's declaration of the absolute independence of man's will is tantamount to saying, the fruit of a tree has a nature of its own, which is altogether free of the root of the tree. The fruit of a tree is invariably determined by the character of its root. Genealogically, Adam is the root of mankind, and when Adam committed spiritual suicide (Gen. 3:6), his progeny died in him. "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (Rom. 5:12).
"A corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit" (Matt. 7:18). All the moral fruit which the natural man brings forth, be they ever so laudatory or praiseworthy by the standards of men, are, when weighed in the scales of omniscience, seen to be worm infested. Thus it is, the rationalist is left without a valid recourse, for the law of reaping and sowing applies not only to agrarian science, but to all earthly organisms. Christ said: "The tree is known by his fruit" (Matt. 12:33). Note: in this text, Christ personified the "tree," and in so doing, leaves NO room for the hypocrite. The flesh, be it ever so religious, profiteth nothing (John 6:63). Job, speaking of human reproduction, asks: "Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?" And Job, with awesome finality, answers his own question, saying: "Not one" (Job 14:4).
Humanism and Arminianism contend that the will of man is free and independent of God, and it is of such power that it can frustrate and nullify the will of God. Therefore, this premise teaches that the ultimate in all things is left to the reasoning power and will of man. So, it inevitably follows, their faith is in man, and that man in the final analysis is the measure of all things. Over and against this felonious contention of Arminianism and Humanism, the all wise and merciful God has issued the following admonition; "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding ... He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool" (Pro. 3:5, 28).
Nowhere in the Bible is it said the man who has lost his natural mentality is a fool. Notwithstanding, the worldly wise oft refer to the dedicated Christian as being mentally deranged (Acts 26:24), but oft times the Bible refers to the worldly wise as fools, and likens their dialogue as being inferior to the chatter (prattle) of children (Pro. 10:8). The rich farmer (Luke 12) ingeniously devised a scheme whereby he would have plenty with pleasure for many years to come, but not once in all of his planning and purpose was God ever thought of, and this lack of consideration for the Author of all life was his fatal and eternal mistake which proved him to be a "fool." A rich "fool" is no better off than a poor fool, for both have said in their heart, "There is no God" (Psa. 14:1). Humanism's so-called "good life" is temporal at the longest, and superficial at its best, and is all too often the "wide gate that leadeth to destruction" (Matt. 7:13). The Apostle Paul, leaving no room for ambiguity, asks: "Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?" (I Cor. 1:20).
Arminianism is the choice gem of religious ignorance, and Humanism is the idolized brainchild of intellectualism. The two "isms" in their combined strength, are nothing more than tinkling cymbals and sounding brass. The God of the Bible is the Author of all true science, and there has never been a conflict between the Scriptures and true science. But when "science, falsely so called" (I Tim. 6:20) is weighed on the scales of God's infallible word, it is rejected in tote, and labeled "wood, hay, and stubble" (I Cor. 3:12). But worse than false science is the deification of true science by the Humanists, for it is by this artifice Satan has made allies of a great host of academics, who are fearfully worse off for all of their learning, and will be found of an unsound mind before the omniscient God in the day when all accounts are settled.
The Humanists say, without the least compunction: "Science alone can resolve for man the eternal problems for which his very being urgently demands a solution" (Wilhelm Dilthey, The Nineteenth Century, page 16). The Hippocratic oath does not make a physician; wedding vows do not make a marriage; a confession of faith does not make a Christian; nor can humanistic science, be it ever so perfect, redeem, or help to redeem one soul. The Holy One of Israel has, with Sovereign exclusivity, said: "I, even I, am the Lord; and beside Me there is no Saviour" (Isa. 43:11).
Fourthly, Arminianism and Humanism are the inventions of men. "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions" (Eccl. 7:29). The word, "inventions" in this text is not a reference to man's scientific discoveries or devices which he has invented to help alleviate the hardship of his journey back to dust from whence he came, but it is a reference to religious inventions, for the inventions referred to in the text are contrary to the original uprightness of man. Every religious heresy is of the Devil, for he is a liar and the father of it (John 8:44), and Arminianism and Humanism are his prize deceits. The word "and" used in the foregoing sentence is not used merely as a conjunctive, but to show the parity of the twin evils.
The ill supposition that the will of man is utterly free, and independent of God is the foundational doctrine upon which Arminianism and Humanism stands. These God debasing systems are as ancient as Lucifer's first "I will" (Isa. 14:13, 14), and will not reach their terminus until the Devil, the originator of these fatal deceptions is cast into the everlasting lake of fire (Rev. 20:10). The foundation upon which Arminianism and Humanism stands is not merely defective, but is utterly faulty, and all who are deceived thereby are not wise, but foolish (Rom. 1:21,22). But the would-be detractors object, saying: "You put man in an intellectual straight jacket; rob him of his image of God; and nullify his will". It is not our contention that man's will is impotent, but that it is circumscribed by his nature. It is an obvious absurdity to claim that man can will or desire something that is contrary to his own nature. The natural man's will is in bondage to sin, and never varies in its servitude (Rom. 6:20). Man by nature is free to choose whatever pleases him, but he cannot prefer that which is the very opposite of his essence and being.
The carnal desire is limited to that which pleases the flesh, and they that are in the flesh cannot please God (Rom. 8:8). Man's natural liberty is exceeding great, but every exercise of that liberty is utterly sensuous, and is antagonistic to the nature of the thrice holy God (Isa. 6:3). So then, man's natural will is not only destitute of all spiritual value, but in his every utterance and action he aggravates the condemnation under which all men are born (John 3:18). All men all the time are by their Adamic nature haters of God (Psa. 81:15; John 15:18,25; Rom. 1:30; etc.). God does not force His people to come to Him contrary to their will and nature, but God in sovereign love and mercy gives His people a new nature, and all the Father gave the Son in the unconditional covenant of election will joyfully come to Him, and that by the power of God (Psa. 110:3; Jer. 31:3; John 6:37, 44).
The natural man is free to love God, but he has neither the power, nor the desire to even be near God, much less love Him, for he is innately a hater of God. Paul, speaking of the natural man, says: "He is filled with all unrighteousness, maliciousness, full of envy . . . backbiters, haters of God, inventors of evil things . . ." (Rom. 1:29,30). The Ethiopian is free to change his spots for the stripes of a tiger, but owing to creature inability, these changes are an impossibility. So it is with the natural man. He is free to put off his custom of doing evil, but he never has the least desire to do so. (Jer. 13:23), for he has beyond a single doubt concluded that the Bible is nothing more than a collection of myths, and that Christianity is the opiate of the people. These soul damning conclusions are intertwined with fallen man's nature, and can only be severed by the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Eph. 6:17).
Fallen man, be he rich or poor, strong or weak, learned or unlearned, is an egotist. Mr. Webster has defined egoism saying: "it is an ethical doctrine that individual self interest is the valid end of all action." So it is, the vocabulary of fallen man consists mainly of the words, "Me, mine, my, and I". But the Bible says: "He that thinketh himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself" (Gal. 6:3). The Apostle Paul for the most of his life was an egotist, self-willed, and self-congratulatory. He persecuted the disciples of Christ, both men and women, and he says he was "exceedingly mad against them" (Acts 22:4; 26:11). Paul, being blinded by pride, did not know that God had set aside his beloved religion, and with intense fervor he went forth to destroy every person that named the name of Christ, but while enroute on one of his persecuting missions, he was confronted with a great light from heaven, and an ego deflating voice, upon the sound of which, he fell to the ground from which he arose one of the most selfless and greatest of men that ever lived (Acts 22:6-10). However, he knew that in and of himself, he was a wretched man before God (Rom. 7:24), and knowing this, he said: "I am less that the least of all saints . . ." (Eph. 3:8).
CONCLUSION "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom. 12:21). Let us not confuse Arminianism and Humanism with humanitarianism. Every person should be a humanitarian in the sense of helping the downtrodden, and should seize every opportunity to be the good Samaritan, Christ was the greatest humanitarian, but He was not a Humanist, nor did He teach that salvation of the soul was left to the prerogative of fallen man's will. Let us follow our Supreme Example, and go "about doing good," but at the same time, highlight the sham and shame of Humanism, and the hypocrisy of Arminianism. True Christianity, and New Testament Baptists in particular, are faced with a sinister, subtile, and soul destructive hoax. We are confronted from every quarter with socio-religion, which is an amalgamation of Arminianism and Humanism, and in this God debasing union the Lord's churches are faced with a double dose of damnable doctrine. As dismal as the state of things may seem, there is no room for complacency in the Lord's churches. On the contrary, it is their duty to sound the trumpet of truth, and do all they can to hinder this accelerated and anti-Christ encroachment upon the word of God and His blood bought churches.
The ultimate ambition of the contemporary deluge of Humanism and Arminianism is to prevail against and destroy the Lord's churches, but as it was with our pre-reformation forebears who stood undaunted against the fire, noose, sword and other excruciating deaths of the harlot system of Rome, will be found defying this plague of spiritual cancer until their merciful and omnipotent Lord speaks to them from heaven, saying: "Come up hither."
When Christ sent His church unto all nations, He commissioned it to preach the gospel of grace. He knew that is was the satanically inspired and brutal hands of Romish Humanism and pharisaic Judaism that nailed Him to the cross. As it was then, so is it now, Humanism and Arminianism are mortal enemies of the gospel of Christ, and one must perish where the other prevails. So as to erase all doubt concerning the perpetuity and permanency of His blood bought church, Christ issued a hell defying fiat, wherein He said: " . . . I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" (Matt. 16:18). Any church that does not own the absolute authority of God over man is humanistic, no matter what name it may go by, and is under the anathema of God (Rev. 18:4-6). So it behooves every person who names the name of Christ to find a church that preaches the whole counsel of God, wherein is NO room for Arminianism or Humanism.
There is a lot of common ground between Arminianism and Humanism, for it is no problem for darkness to commune with darkness, but there is NO communion between light and darkness; there is NO fellowship between righteousness and unrighteousness; and there is NO concord between Christ and the Devil (II Cor. 6:14-16). Arminianism denies that salvation is the exclusive and sovereign work of God, and Humanism has substituted self-love and self-will for God. "COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM," SAITH THE LORD.
Elder Oscar B. Mink was a great minister of the Glorious gospel and pastor of the Sovereign Grace Baptist Church Of Mansfield, Ohio and the Sovereign Grace Baptist Church Of Texarkana, Texas. He was born May 3, 1924 and went to his eternal rest with the Saviour he loved so dearly on August 25, 2004.