A b o u t T h i s S e a r c h
Info-Net'ing The Biblical Web
The Mountain Retreat Search Engine was coded to make it easy to find Reformed
Churches, topical and historical Christian information, articles, essays,
and Bible studies which are written from a distinctly "Biblical"
perspective, without spending hours sorting through hundreds of unrelated
There is nothing more frustrating than doing a search for a word and having
the results be 1,000 pages of which 800 are non relevant to the topic you're
searching. The non-relevancy of course is because the engines generally
search everything and they pick out anything not tied down which has the
search term on it. This can be anything from a passing remark or phrase, to
the name of a school, guestbook or company.
This led me to code this Biblical Search engine for those specifically
looking for Bible based documents, literature, and information, and which
is both very fast (my ISP notwithstanding) and very simple. And also a
Church search which is probably the most comprehensive database of
information of Reformed Churches on the Internet.
Church Search Disclaimer:
This Mountain Retreat does not endorse the doctrines of any of the
congregations listed here. Inclusion in this search database does not
constitute that we either agree the Church is Reformed, nor that we agree
with their doctrines. It simply means that they are professed Reformed
Churches who claim to hold to the Reformation tenants. While we do our best
to screen these Churches, if you know of any Church which is included here
erroneously, please let us know.
Use your own judgment about attending any of these Churches. Some of the
best ways of checking out a Church beforehand is to email, phone or write
the Pastor and simply ask him about Church doctrines.
If you would like to add your "Reformed Church" to our database, simply
click on the appropriate link to the left and add the pertinent
information (please be thorough) about the Church.
Help Us!
Our goal is to web the entire "Biblical Christian Internet Community", where
you will be able to search and find every solidly bible based document on
the web by Title, Author, Topic, Book or Keyword. You can help in that
effort by indexing the outstanding Biblical literature you come across, and
using accurate descriptions and relevant keywords. Remember to check to
see if your Reformed Church is listed and include it if we've missed it.
We Spider and remove dead links on all databases after a couple weeks or so
(we don't want to remove temporarily down links), so you won't be seeing the
dreaded "404 Not Found" error page on most searches. Test it out, add pages
or Church, or place the search or search box on your page. Let us know what
you think. Your comments, criticisms, and suggestions are Welcomed.
-Tony Warren
The Mountain Retreat Search Copyright ©1999.
All Rights Reserved.