In Revelation 2:7, God speaks to the Church saying, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.." God is here illustrating something that we often lose sight of. Namely, that He has not given all men an ear to hear, and therefore all men will not receive His word testified faithfully from the scriptures. But it also illustrates that there are those who do have a Spiritual ear, and that they will hear. In light of this fact, I wouyld hope that all considering this study would simply ask themselves, "is there support in God's word for this, or is it drawn from speculation and assumptions." And if the latter is true, then it is really good only for iit's amusement or entertainment value. But if the former, then we should take it very seriously. If we have ears to hear, then God will lay it upon our hearts what is the truth of scripture, and what is not the truth of scripture. In this time of such great seduction by teachers and the continuying degradation of Church doctrines, it is imperative that we keep the word of God, forsaking speculation that is contrary to it. I ask no one to believe what I have written, I ask that you compare these things with the scriptures (as the more noble Bereans -Acts 17:11) and see if they are true or not. for we are obligated to try or test all doctrines to see that they are not born of "out of context" construction and are quoted faithfully from what is written. One of the most fundamental rules of sound hermeneutics is that 'all' of the scriptures must be considered, and each must remain in harmony with the other.It is self-evident that anyone can quote scripture. The Devil himself tested our Lord by presenting verses to him in the wilderness. He quoted scripture declaring, "it is written," and the reply from Jesus to him was, "...it is written more, or it is written again!" In other words, Christ is illustrating that scripture doesn't exist in a vacuum, and thus we must consider scripture in light of scripture. Christ has given a most excellent example for all of us in this exchange. We will never find truth in quoting isolated verses, out of context as satan did. God's word is indeed the truth, but this demonstrates that even the devil will try and use it to deceive. In the example of Christ (Matthew 4:6-7) we are instructed to consider the whole of scriptures, and not a favorite verse here or there. This is how we prove doctrines, and when we do this, the Grace of God in us reveals what is true and what is not. It is paramount in aby sound exegesis that we make sure that our interpretations come from the Bible (and thus from God), and not from the mind of man. Because the scripture is not subject to our private or personal interpretations. Thus the understanding of Daniel chapter 9 can only come from the author, through his inerrant words concerning it.
Let us all pray that in this study of God's word, He will grant us the divine guidance and wisdom in the study of His most Holy word.
The 70 Weeks of Daniel Chapter 9
by Tony Warren
We begin this study of the seventy weeks of Daniel Chapter 9 with verse 24, where the prophecy of this vision begins.
Daniel 9:24
- "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy."
There are many questions that can be asked about this first verse, but there is no need for supposition or idle speculation. Because God has answered them all, right in the context itself. Let's look at these seven questions.
1. Who are these, "Thy People?"
2. How is it determined to "finish (restrain) the transgression?"
3. What is the, "make an end" (sealing up) of Sins?
4. What is the, "making reconciliation" for iniquity?
5. How is this "Everlasting Righteousness" brought in?
6. Why is it determined to "Seal up the vision and the prophet?"
7. What is the "Anointing of the Most Holy?"
In verse 24 of Daniel chapter 9, with regard to the prophesy of these 70 weeks, God Himself has told us what He is going to be talking about. So while man speculates with private interpretations from his own mind, adding all kinds of other theories and ideas, God has told us what the 70 weeks are dealing with. All we have to do is read the scriptures and allow them to interpret themselves.
(#1) 70 weeks are determined upon thy people. The question is, who is Daniel's people. We need go no further than the preceding verses. Verse 20 of Daniel 9 says Daniel was praying and confessing the sins of himself and "His People, Israel." So then, God hath answered our question. The, "thy People" of Daniel 9:24, refers to the people of Israel.
(#2) Then God goes on to declare the purpose of these 70 weeks prophesied and determined upon Israel. First He says, it is to "restrain the transgression." In the king James Bible, that word restrain is translated finish, but it is the Hebrew word [kala'] and means to restrict, and by implication to hold something back. It is the exact same word as used in Genesis 23:6 of "withholding" the sepulchre, or in Psalms 40:11 where it is asked, "Withhold" not thou tender Mercies. Or again in exodus 36:6 that, "..the people were restrained from bringing." They wqere restricted or were withheld from bringing. So you see, this Hebrew word means to limit or restrain something. In fact, this is the only place in the whole Bible where this word is translated finish (KJV). In Young's literal translation it is rendered "shut up" the transgression, by extension of it being limited or it being held back from being free. So this is what the word Hebrew word [kala'] delineates. Some other examples:
Psalms 88:8
Jeremiah 32:2-3
- "Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me; thou hast made me an abomination unto them: I am shut up, and I cannot come forth".
These are all the same word [kala], meaning to put in restraint. Likewise, God is declaring in Daniel 9 that one of the things that is determined to happen in these 70 weeks (or literally, 70 sevens), is the restraining or restricting of transgression. And if you have ever looked 'carefully' at 2nd Thessalonians 2:6-7, you know that God says that iniquity (transgression) was then being held down or restrained, and would continue to be restrained until He who restrains it is taken out of the way (midst). Comparing scripture with scripture we understand that this is the restraining of transgression that Daniel 9 prophesies of. The restraining of transgression is the 'exact' same delaration as the restraining of iniquity in 2nd Thessalonians. In simple terms, the restraining of sin or transgression of the law when Christ came and bound Satan for a time. It is a period of time that started at the cross when Christ, by His death, destroyed (effectively made idle for the saints) Satan (Hebrews 2:14), that iniquity was restrained and the Church (The Holy Temple) could be built. In 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 God declares that iniquity was being restrained, and would continue to be until He who restrains it was taken out of the way or midst. This is that restraining of transgression that was determined to happen upon Israel within these 70 weeks prophesied. It was fulfilled by the death of Christ, when captivity was led captive, that gifts could be given to men.
- "For then the king of Babylon's army besieged Jerusalem: and Jeremiah the prophet was shut up in the court of the prison, which was in the king of Judah's house.
- For Zedekiah king of Judah had shut him up, saying, Wherefore dost thou prophesy, and say, Thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall take it;"
(#3) God also says that the 70 weeks were to make an end of (seal up) sins and...
(#4) make reconciliation for iniquity. The Hebrew word translated "make a end" is [chatham], which means to 'close up' something so that it is inaccessible. It's the exact same word used at the end of that verse saying, "to seal up the vision." It is illustrating that something is no longer an option, it is secured or locked that it cannot be used, read, practiced, experienced, or whatever is in view. Just as a seal that is set on a book is there so that it cannot be opened. Likewise, sin being closed up or sealed up is illustrating that sinning will no longer be an option. In these 70 weeks it is determined that sins will be closed or sealed off, because reconciliation is made for those sins so that access has been sealed shut. In Christ they are as far as east is to west (psalms 103:12). That's how far sins have been removed from us by the work of Christ. Israel will has no sin because they are put away by the reconciliation that Christ has made at the cross. So that is the prophecy that in these 70 weeks of daniel 9, sin would be brought to an end.
Hebrews 9:26
2nd Corinthians 5:18
- "...but now once in the end of the world hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
This is what Daniel means by making an end of sins and that reconciliation is made for iniquity. This verse 24 of Daniel chapter 9 is clearly speaking of the Messiah's atonement for the sins of Israel, by the work of the cross.
- "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.
- To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
Luke 1:68-70
ere the prophecy is fulfillled as Daniel's people Israel has their Messiah come, that their sins would be closed up (or come to an end), and that reconciliation would be made. And that is exactly what Christ, who was Israel's Messiah, did.
- "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,
- And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David;
- As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began:"
Hebrews 2:17
The same as the Prophesy we read in Daniel, that Messiah would come for the reconciliation of the sins of His people. And this was fulfilled in Christ's atonement.
- "Wherefore in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of The People."
(#5) Verse 24 of daniel chapter 9 also says the 70 weeks were determined, "to bring in everlasting righteousness." This is the effect of the work of Christ. When the sins are sealed up, and the reconciliation is made for iniquity, then everlasting righteousness is the result. i.e., there is no chance those sins are going to be un-sealed or are going to return, for they were sealed in Christ who became sin for us, that we might be righteous in Him. He died with Israel's sins laid upon Him, and when He was risen, it was\ without them. Thus His people Israel were raised with Him, in righteousness. And that righteousness that Christ brought to them is eternal, because in Him they sin no more. This prophesied Messiah has made an end of it, making them righteous.
2nd Corinthians 5:20-21
- "..we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled in Christ.
- For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Him."
The Messiah of Israel brought in everlasting righteousness, and made reconciliation for iniquity, just as prophesied. And Because He has paid for ALL of their sins, His righteousness becomes their Righteousness. They are effectively clothed in the righteousness of Christ, and that righteousness brings everlasting Life (2nd cor. 9:9-10).
John 6:40
This is the everlasting righteousness that was prophesied to be brought in during these 70 weeks of daniel 9, when an end is made of sin, and reconciliation occured. No one has any righteousness of their own (there is none righteous, no not one -Romans 3:10), but they are made the righteousness of Christ by the power of His work. Christ ushered in the everlasting righteousness daniel refers to, and Israel attains that righteousness by their faith in Him as Messiah.
- "..that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have everlasting life:.."
Philippians 3:9
The prophesy of daniel was that Messiah the Prince would bring in the everlasting righteousness for the people of Israel, and it was unquestionably fulfilled at the cross.
- "And be found in Him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith."
(#6) Daniel 9:24 continues declaring that in the 70 weeks it was determined to seal up the vision and the prophet. We have seen in this verse God talk about the blessings to come upon Israel, and now He is talking about the curse. To seal up (close up) the vision and the Prophet means to shut up their understanding, a judgement of God upon the people. It's the same word we saw earlier translated 'make an end' of sins. It means that the vision and the prophets of Israel have come to an end. For example, when talking about the stumbling stone, the rock of offense (Which is their Messiah), Isaiah's prophesy reads:
Isaiah 8:14-16
That is the language of God's mercy, but it is also language illustrating His judgement upon His people at the coming of Messiah. Note carefully the two distinctions. He (Christ) is a Sanctuary for some "but" it says He is also a stone of stumbling for others. God says, "bind up the testimony." That plainly means that the testimony of God is closed up to them. And God continues saying, "Seal the law among the disciples." That means they (his people) will not have understanding. The understanding of the law (word of God) will be sealed shut to them. The Messiah will be a stumbling stone to them instead of a foundation stone. We can get a better understanding of this in the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 29:
- "And He shall be for a Sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence to both the house of Israel, for a gin and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
- And many among them shall stumble and be snared, and be taken.
- bind up the testimony, Seal the law among My Disciples."
Isaiah 29:10
Cross reference this to where Paul, speaking of this judgement upon Israel, declares:
- "For the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of Deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath He covered."
Romans 11:8
So, comparing scripture with scripture, we can see what God means by the phrase, "sealing up the vision and the Prophet." It is His judgement upon Israel that they would not see, which took place at the time of the cross. Spiritual blindness (sealing shut as far as the word of God is concerned) is happened to Israel. That is exactly what we have read in Isaiah Chapter 29, verse 10. And verse 11 continues in that same vein making it even clearer.
- "According as it is written, God hath given them the Spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear; unto this day."
Isaiah 29:11
This is the vision that is sealed in Israel. And this is the prophet that is sealed in Israel. It signifies their inability to see spiritually and their inability to understand the prophecy. This is what God has determined should come upon Israel in these 70 weeks of Daniel chapter 9. The vision and the prophet would be sealed. And in fact, there can be no question about this, as in Mark 7:6 Jesus quotes from this (Isaiah 29:13) passage in saying:
- "And the Vision of all is become unto you as the words of a letter that is Sealed, which when men deliver to one that is learned, saying read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed."
Mark 7:6
That is taken directly from Isaiah 29:13
- "..well hath Esaias Prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me."
And so there is no mistake, and no question what God was talking about. Jesus said well hath Isaiah (Esaias) prophesied 'of you' hypocrites. Proof positive that the prophecy was about them. This was fulfilled at the time of Christ's first advent. This is what God was declaring in Daniel chapter 9 of the vision and the prophet in Israel being sealed up. Spiritually speaking, blindness (loss of vision) has happened to Israel that they cannot see.They have become spiritually deaf and do not hear God. The word of God is like a book to them, the prophecy of which is sealed that it cannot be revealed unto them. Their Priests teach falsely and do not have ears to hear the truth of God's word. For God's word is sealed shut unto them. It is the judgement of God upon them because of their sins.
- "Wherefore the Lord said, forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor Me, but have removed their heart far from Me..."
John 8:43
This is the closing or sealing of the book that the people of Israel cannot hear what the Messiah was saying. They could not understand His speech.
- "Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word."
(#7) Daniel 9:24 continues, at this time the Most Holy (HOLY of HOLIEST) would be anointed. The anointing of the hallowed Holy is the prophecy of the anointing of the Christ. Remember, He is the Sanctuary, He is the Holy of HOLIEST, the Holy Temple, and the veil separating the Holiest of Holy is His flesh, according to scripture. Unfortunately, many theologians do not understand that the prophecy was of the Messiah, not a physical Holy room of a literal Temple building in the middle east. God used the buildings as a skia or shadow that prefigured the true. And with Christ's anointing, Israel can enter through His flesh into the Holy of HOLIEST.
Again, the Old Testament physical Temple buildings were types, looking forward to the real Holy Place, which was Christ. In the old testament Temple, there was a veil that separated the room which was the Holy of HOLIEST. And it is no coincidence that that veil was rent (torn) from top to bottom the exact instant Christ died on the cross.
Matthew 27:50
This is signifying that this temple in Jerusalem was no longer the "representation" of the Holy Place, and thus no longer significant in future prophecy. Because it was merely a [skia], a shadow picturing the better Temple. And with the coming of that Temple (Christ) that cast this shadow, this shadow passed away. And the veil that separates the Holy of HOLIEST (access to God) is now in Christ. It is no longer in a literal Temple in the middle east, nor can be. Israel now can come directly to God through, the veil which is in the body of Christ, through that Holy Temple. But don't take my word for it..
- "Jesus, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And behold, the Veil of the Temple was rent in two from top to bottom.."
Hebrews 10:19
- "having therefore, brethren boldness to enter into the Holiest by the blood of Jesus. By a new and Living way, which He hath consecrated for us through The Veil, that is to say, His flesh."
When the Messiah was anointed, this was the anointing of the Holy of HOLIEST. When Jesus Christ was anointed, this prophecy of Daniel chapter 9 was fulfilled.
Acts 10:38
Acts 4:27
- "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power.."
I highlight the people of Israel because we all know that "ALL" were against Christ. The Gentiles, Pilate, Herod, and the Children of Israel were against the Messiah. But some attempt to use revisionist History and say the people of Israel were not. God (Not I) says differently. The point here is merely that 'all' were against Christ. NONE stood with Him.
- "For of a truth against thy HOLY Child Jesus, whom thou hast anointed, both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the People of Israel, were gathered together."
So then, we have seen in Daniel 9:24 that "all" these things were determined to happen to Israel. It was determined by God that the transgression would be withheld or restrained, and that sin would be brought to an end or sealed up, that reconciliation for iniquity would be made to bring in everlasting righteousness, that there would be the sealing up of the vision and the prophet in Israel, and finally, that there would be the anointing of the Hallowed Holy. All this we read was determined to happen in these 70 weeks.And we have seen how all this relates to the Messiah's appearing, and was fulfilled. Let's now look\ at the next passage to see how this all ties into the timing of this prophecy.
Daniel 9:25
The words, 'know therefore' ties the preceding verses with these verses. It's just as if I were to say, 'The skies are cloudy, know therefore that there may be rain.' The first part of the sentence is intimately related to the second part. Likewise, 'know therefore' shows that the preceding verses are intimately related to the following verses. And we'll see that as we go along.
- Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build again Jerusalem unto Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times."
We can also notice something peculiar in this verse. Namely, God has separated the seven weeks (sevens), from the sixty-two weeks. God could have very easily said sixty-nine weeks, but He didn't. This should give us all a reason for pause, since we know that God does nothing without a purpose. I am amazed at the number of people doing a study of Daniel chapter 9 who just pass over this obvious division as if it doesn't even exist. They just add the two periods together, never giving it a second thought. That is not careful, nor sound exegesis. God didn't separate these just to add more words, nor to have us ignore it. He Did it for a reason, and it's our job to study the scriptures diligently to find out why.
From the language of verse 25, the 7 weeks come first, and then the 62 weeks follow. That's not a division that I made, that's a division that God made. We should 'not' ignore it! Actually, the 70 weeks are broken down into 3 periods by God. The 7 weeks, the 62 Weeks, and then the the Final week that the Covenant is confirmed. We should not lose sight of that 'Fact,' because it's very important!
We need to go about this systematically. There are three points in this verse to consider. The first point is the word to go forth and build again Jerusalem. The second point is the 7 weeks (sevens), and the third point is the 62 weeks (sevens). Why is the 7 sevens separated from the 62 sevens? Carefully comparing scripture with scripture we find that 7 sevens or weeks are used in the Bible to illustrate a Jubilee period. It's the Biblical principle of weeks of years which these 70 weeks represent. God by the separation of the 7 weeks is alerting us to a jubilee period.
Leviticus 25:8
- "and thou shalt number seven Sabbaths of years unto thee, SEVEN TIMES SEVEN years; and the space of the seven Sabbaths of years shall be unto thee forty and nine years."
Leviticus 25:10
- "and ye shall Hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto the inhabitants thereof: it shall be a Jubile unto you; .."
The seven weeks and the seven weeks of years are all pointing to the Jubile of the Lord when the firstfruits will come in.
Deuteronomy 16:9-10
- "Seven weeks shalt thou number unto thee: begin to number the seven weeks from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corn.
- And thou shalt keep the feast of weeks unto the LORD thy God with a tribute of a freewill offering of thine hand, which thou shalt give unto the LORD thy God, according as the LORD thy God hath blessed thee: "
The exact same 7 sevens or weeks that we see in daniel chapter 9. These things are pointing to Christ, the jubile when there is liberty and the firstfruits are come. Leviticus 23:15-16
- "And ye shall count unto you from the morrow after the sabbath, from the day that ye brought the sheaf of the wave offering; seven sabbaths shall be complete:
- Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days; and ye shall offer a new meat offering unto the LORD".
This is the seven weeks which daniel 9 is illustrative of. To simply count daniel 9 as 49 years (7 x 7), and add it to the 434 years (62 X 7) is to totally ignore the context, and the rest of scripture. If that were to be the proper course, would God not have have just said 69 weeks? Of Course! The very fact that God broke these up into periods tells us that this method is an unsound way of looking at this passage.
Another popular teaching is a computation where Theologians take all the days between 445 B.C. and 32 B.C., and divide the product by 360 days. The problem I have with this is there is no 'Scriptural' basis for doing this. In other words, there is no Biblical warrant or validation for taking such an action. Scripture is not given so we can setup our own mathematical equations in order to arrive where we want. It is given that we consider wisely what God has put there, and comparing scripture with scripture, follow it where God leads.
Based on this principle of comparing scripture with scripture, I think that the 7 times seven in Daniel 9, represent this reference to a Jubile year. I believe God is telling us that, from the Word to build again Jerusalem, to Messiah the Prince shall be 7 sevens (weeks of years), and then 62 sevens. In weeks of years, that is 434 years. As stated, clearly, if God was just talking about adding years, why would He separate the 7 sevens from the 62 sevens. Obviously He wants us to distinguish the 7 sevens from the 62 sevens. If the 7 sevens point to a Jubile year, then we have our answer PERFECTLY. When was the Word given to build again Jerusalem?
Nehemiah 2:17
- "Then said I unto them, ye see the distress that ye are in, how Jerusalem lieth waste, and the gates thereof are burned with fire: come, and let us build up the wall of Jerusalem, that we be no more a reproach. Then I told them of the hand of My God which was good upon me; as also the King's word that he had spoken unto me. And they said, let us rise up and build, so they strengthened their hands for this good work."
Most theologians are in agreement of when the command was given to build again Jerusalem. So the first Jubile year from the Word to build again Jerusalem (445 B.C. Nehemiah 2:1, 17-20) was 407 B.C. This date of 407 B.C. is the start of the first 7 sevens (Jubilee) 'from' the command to build again Jerusalem. That is the designation to the 7 sevens. And after this Jubilee, from 406 B.C. to 434 years later (reckoned from the end of the seven weeks, 62 X 7, or weeks after the 7 or Jubilee year) brings us 'directly' to 29 A.D.. After the jubilee year is 406 when the 62 weeks begin. 62 times 7 is 434, and 434 years from this year 406 brings us to the year 29 A.D., which we can mathematically check rather easily:
406 years Old Testament
+29 years New Testament
435We then subtract 1 because there is no year 0, and that gives us 434.
The question now becomes, does this bring us to the year of the coming of Messiah the Prince, and the anointing of the Holy of HOLIEST? (remember, this is what Daniel says. It's 62 X 7 after the 7 x7 to the coming of Messiah the Prince). And so in order to be faithful to scripture, the 434 years must lead to the coming of Messiah the Prince, without any twisting, wresting or fudging. And Magnificently, it does! When We go to the scriptures, we see that this is the exact year that Christ officially began His role as high priest. This is the year He was Anointed by the Holy spirit and was 'announced' and baptized by John the Baptist. this is when God had the dove descend upon Him, and of His officially taking on His office. This is the year when (as it was written), John, having prepared the way, gave way to Christ. John had prepared the way for this, 'His Coming!'This is why John said that now he had to decrease, while Christ increased. This is why Jesus said, 'the TIME is fulfilled, the Kingdom of God is at hand.' This is the acceptable year, this is the time of His anointing. This is when Jesus went to the Temple, opened up the book of Isaiah, and read:
Luke 4:18-21
- "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath Anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
- to preach the Acceptable Year of the Lord.
- and He closed the book, and He gave it again to the minister and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on Him.
- and He began to say unto them, This day is this scripture Fulfilled in your ears."
Is this the acceptable Year? That's what the scriptures tell us! Not only is it confirmed by Christ Himself that this is the acceptable year, Jesus goes a step further and tells us plainly, "This DAY is this scripture fulfilled in your ears." In other words, that prophecy of the coming of Messiah was talking about this year, this time. And Jesus went out and was ANOINTED by the Holy Spirit. This was the year of the official anointing of the Messiah. John had prepared the way, and Jesus came after (John 1:30), to preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And He preaches for 3 and 1/2 years, and was crucified in 33 A.D.
Malachi 3:1
- "Behold, I will send My messenger, and he shall prepare the way before Me: and the LORD, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His Temple, even the MESSENGER of The COVENANT, whom ye delight in: Behold, He shall come, saith the LORD."
Clearly, the prophesy of His coming is after John the Baptist prepares the way. And the year of His coming, the year when John decreased and He increased, the year John baptized Him, the year when He was anointed, the year when the Spirit descended upon Him like a dove and God spoke saying, This is My beloved, the year He took on His office had come, this year was 29 A.D. And so we see a direct path from the 7 weeks Jubile year, and 62 weeks, to the coming of the Messiah. The Scriptures bare this out consistently. From the word to build again Jerusalem to Messiah the Prince, is a Jubile year (7 x 7 weeks) plus 434 years. Understanding this, we can comprehend why this, 'from' the word to restore Jerusalem is 7 sevens, and then 62 sevens, and not just written as 69 sevens. And the verse further informs us by stating that we are to know and understand or consider wisely. When God uses language like that (as in Matthew 24:15, Revelation 13:18), He is alerting us that it's not easily understood. This understanding, this wisdom to know, comes 'only' with careful study and comparisons of the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit of Truth working within each true Believer revealing truth..
Daniel 9:26
- "And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war, desolations are determined."
After the 62 weeks, AFTER this time of the coming of Messiah, He will be cut off. The language of being 'Cut Off' in the scriptures is the language of God's judgement. But NOTE it says, 'but not for Himself.' That is because Messiah was cut off for the sins of 'His People!'
Isaiah 53:8
- "He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare His generation? for He was CUT OFF out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was He stricken."
He was cut off from the living not for Himself, but for the transgressions of His people. The people of this Prince (Messiah) that shall come, are the people of Israel. Unfortunately there are those who try to wrest (twist) or FORCE these scriptures and/or the following passage, to say anti-Christ, Titus, or the Romans are those who are being spoken about here. But as you can clearly see (He who hath eyes to see) there is no mention of any evil Prince here. Neither is it in 'any' translation, nor is it in the original language. This is simply an idea out of the mind of man, not the Word of God. Clearly, the only Prince that is being spoken about here is Messiah, the Prince. And so the only people of the Prince that is being spoken of here, is Israel. It's clear that the whole context of the chapter is about the people of Messiah, this Prince that shall come. There is nothing in these passages to lead anyone to believe that Titus or any anti-Christ type Prince was spoken of here. ..unless, you were predisposed to thinking that way by some teacher or Church which taught you this error! In the original language it is crystal clear. Some translators, and unfortunately, Premillennial theologians, have let their bias creep into their theology, and even some newer translations add commentary to God's Word.
Nevertheless, consider these scriptures carefully, wisely, and without prejudice. Daniel chapter 9 verse 25 says that:
- ..the anointed Prince [mashiyach nagiyd] shall come, and gives us the time period of seven 7's and sixty two 7's from the command to build again the Temple.
There we have the prophecy of the coming of [mashiyach nagiyd] (Messiah the Prince). Then Daniel 9 verse 26 'continues,' saying:
- the people of this Prince [nagiyd] that shall come, shall destroy [shachath, meaning bring to ruin] City and Sanctuary [godesh].
Now that seems pretty clear to me. Why would God speak about the 'mashiyach nagiyd coming' in one verse, and then in the very next verse say 'the people of the nagiyd coming,' ..and be speaking about some totally other Nagiyd or Prince??? It makes no sense whatsoever, 'unless' we have been indoctrinated, or have our minds predisposed to believe it, by the spin we have heard theologians put on these verses. The only way we can make this verse say Evil-Prince, is if we "ADD" to the scriptures the words Evil Prince, or Titus, or Romans, etc. Because God's Word doesn't either say it explicitly, or allude to it implicitly!
Even when we look at the context starting at verse 24, 'God Himself' tells us what He is going to be talking about, and He makes no mention of any evil Prince. He tells us what is determined to happen in these 70 weeks. Some Theologians just are not listening to the Word.
#1. To restrain [kala] the transgression (2nd thess. 2:6-7). #2. To make an end of [chatham] sins (Hebrews 9:26 1st, John 5:18) #3. To make reconciliation for iniquity (Hebrews 2:17). #4. To bring in everlasting righteousness.(2nd Cor. 5:21). #5. To seal up the Vision and the prophecy (Isaiah 29:11). #6. To anoint the most Holy [godesh]. (Acts 10:38 4:27)These are all things concerning dealings of God with His people, Israel, in Mercy and Judgement. Transgression is restrained, sin is stopped, reconciliation is made for them to bring in everlasting righteousness, Judgement comes upon Israel (Blindness in part) sealing up the vision and prophet, and the Most Holy is anointed. This is what scripture tells us is determined to happen during the 70 weeks. This is what God, not man, declares! And God says nothing about an anti-Christ coming, A evil leader named Titus, the Romans, slaughtered pigs in a Temple, or the destruction of 70 AD. Not a single solitary word about these things. So the question then becomes, where does these type teachings come from if it's not here in the pertinent scriptures? The answer is, from people who have been taught error, and who don't bother to check the scriptures carefully to see if they 'actually do say' what Theologians claim that they do, and so repeat these errors as if they were the gospel truth.
Clearly, the people of this Prince that should come are the people of Israel. Verse 24 says 70 weeks are determined upon 'thy people' and verse 20 tells us who this 'thy people' were. Remember also of verse 20 said that the vision would be sealed up, and the Prophet would be sealed up! We don't need man-made interpretations, we saw by scripture just what that related to. It is Israel, and her judgement of blindness. Her judgement is of God. Eyes that they may not see and not understand the vision of God's Salvation program (sealing the vision) is judgement of GOD, not Romans putting out their eyes or some antichrist-man, fable. Man cannot seal up the vision and Prophets. Only God can.
When verse 26 says the people of the Prince that comes will destroy the city and sanctuary, it is talking about the people of Israel. They are the people of the coming Prince (Messiah), and they destroyed the City. Did not Israel reject the Messiah, and destroy the Temple? i.e. The stone that the builders rejected, is become head of the corner, is it not? They indeed destroyed the Sanctuary. And this isn't speculation, we have to answer these questions 'Biblically,' not by what we think, or what our teachers told us. We must get our answers from God. And God speaks today through His Holy Word. The Question is, did the People of the Prince that came, destroy the Holy City and sanctuary? According to scripture, the answer is yes! Because when they destroyed Christ, they brought their city to desolation, and destroyed the Temple. Jesus says in:
Matthew 23:37
- "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that KILLEST the PROPHETS, and stonest them which are sent thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate."
The City Jerusalem is destroyed, left Desolate, 'because' they rejected Messiah who came to deliver them. And not only did they destroy the prophets and servants that God had sent to them, but they would destroy 'the Messiah' that God sent also. God demonstrates this clearly in chapters such as Matthew 21, of the parable of the householder and the vineyard. The Householder is God, the servants sent are the prophets, the husbandmen is Israel, the Vineyard is the kingdom of God, and the Son, is Messiah whom they destroyed. But don't take my word for it.
Matthew 21:38-43
- "But when the husbandmen saw the Son, they said among themselves, this is the Heir; come, let us kill Him, and let us seize on His inheritance.
- And they caught him, and cast Him out of the vineyard, and slew Him.
- When the Lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will He do unto those husbandmen?
- They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men, and will let out His vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render Him the fruits in their season.
- Jesus saith unto them, Did you never read in the scriptures, The stone that the builders rejected, the same is become head of the corner: This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes.
- Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof."
Some theologians act as if they've never read these verses before. When Jesus says, O Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, behold your house is left unto you desolate, this is what is in view. The people of the Prince fought against the Messiah. Christ said, He that is not for Me, is against Me. They rejected Him, and when they fought and destroyed Him, they destroyed the City, and the Sanctuary. And desolation was all that was left of the City. Clearly, the people of the Prince that would come, destroyed the city and it is left desolate because of their warfare. And God's judgement upon the people of Israel (the people of this Prince prophesied to come), was that the vision was sealed up because of this unrighteousness. Their prophets are sealed up, that they have the Spirit of slumber, where blindness in part has happened unto them. The people of the Prince Messiah destroyed their city by destroying Christ.
Did the people of the Prince, Messiah, destroy the Sanctuary, or the Temple? Again, the Word of God must be our authority. The Messiah (Jesus) threw the buyers and sellers out of the Temple, showing that 'He' had the Authority of the Temple, and the Jewish people (People of the Prince) wanted a sign that would let them know that He had the Authority to do this. When we go to the scriptures, Jesus tells us clearly that they would indeed destroy the Temple. Direct from the Word of God we read it.
John 2:18
- "Then answered the Jews and said unto Him, what Sign shewest Thou unto us, seeing that Thou doest these things? Jesus answered and said unto them, DESTROY this TEMPLE, and in three days I will raise it up."
This is the "SIGN" that was given the Jews to show that He had authority to cast people out of the Temple. They would destroy the Temple, and Christ would raise it up in 3 days. They asked for a sign, and Christ tells them what the sign would be. They (the people of the Prince) would destroy the Temple, but He would raise it up again. Read those verses again, then answer the question honestly. ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE, did the people of Messiah destroy the Temple? Unless we're going to say Christ did not tell the Truth here, the 'only' truthful answer is, yes!
Acts 2:36
- "Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Jesus, whom Ye have Crucified, both Lord and Christ."
Again we see that as it was prophesied, so it came to pass. The people of the Prince that was to come, destroyed the Temple. This is what Daniel 9:26 is talking about of the people of the coming Prince, destroying the City and Sanctuary. They had made the City spiritually adulterous, but God would rebuild that city, He would restore the ruins as He purges away the sin and makes it a City of Righteousness.
Isaiah 1:21
- "How is the faithful city become a Harlot! It was full of judgement; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers.
Isaiah 1:25
- "And I will turn My hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dross, and take away ALL THY TIN:
Isaiah 1:26
- And I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy counselors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called, the City of Righteousness, The Faithful City."
This is the City the people destroyed with spiritual Harlotry. And this is the City that God rebuilds in Mercy. It's not a patch of land in the middle east (a patch of land cannot practice harlotry), it is the City where this Prince brings in everlasting Righteousness. It is a people turned to harlotry, and whom Christ will restore in building it again in righteousness. Not the fabled rebuilding of literal Jerusalem, but of a city whose builder and maker is God.
But let's Get it point blank from the scriptures. If the City and Sanctuary were destroyed at the time of the cross, then they had to be in ruins, and in need of being rebuilt. Does other scriptures confirm this? Indeed they do. For all came to pass, as it was written.
Acts 15:15
- "and to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, AFTER THIS I will return, and build again the Tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up."
There we have it as unambiguous as a clear day. This verse tells us this prophesy was fulfilled in Christ. At the cross, the city and temple was brought to ruins by Israel. The veil of the Holy Temple was ripped from top to bottom the very instant Christ died, signifying it's destruction. And Paul is telling us here that the rebuilding of this fallen temple is fulfilled in Christ. It's rebuilt not with middle eastern rocks and mortar, but with 'Living' stones. Christ is the Chief Corner stone of that rebuilding, and the mystery revealed is that the living stones will be not only Jews, but Gentiles alike. The people of the Prince destroyed the City and Sanctuary, and they are left in Blindness, desolate, as a judgement sent of God. But to those He brings through the fire (Zechariah 13:7-9), He returns with loving kindness and Mercy.
Does that mean Israel can't be Saved? Not at all! And contrary to some popular teachings, there are 'not' two separate Salvation programs. There is only one. Gentiles have not replaced the Israel of God, they have 'joined' the Israel of God. Jew and Gentile alike in the same 'body of Christ.' One Body, one Temple, one City, one Salvation program, different branches in the Same Olive tree (Romans 11), not a new one. And as he came in judgment, afterward, consolation for all who will cease their warfare in Christ. Jew and Gentile alike comforted in the Peace which is in Christ.
Isaiah 40:1
- "Comfort ye, comfort ye MY PEOPLE, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her WARFARE is accomplished, and that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received Double for all her sins. The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."
This is the prophesy of the Messiah's work at the cross. Comfort to Jerusalem, the Holy City, because her warfare is accomplished. In other words, it's all finished. Where once they fought against God (before the cross) and God brought judgement, after the cross, comfort is extended to them. What Jerusalem is this? a Literal city in the middle east? No, not at all. It is all those 'people' brought home to the City of God. Comfort is extended to them, the warfare they had 'before' is ended. The captivity they suffered under bondage to satan, is at an end. And notice that it speaks of the 'coming' of the Messiah by the words, "..The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord.." again, confirmation of what we saw before and The clear indication that the Coming of the Messiah prophesied, was 29 A.D. with the announcement of Him by John the Baptist. He was the Voice in the Wilderness. That Prophecy of Isaiah 40 is of the Coming of Messiah to Comfort Jerusalem, to end the violence in the Kingdom (Matthew 11:12), to free the captivity of those held in bondage to sin, and end the warfare against God.
...He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
This is the warfare spoken of in Daniel 9. This is the flood (overflowing) upon Israel of which at the end of it, desolations are determined. As it was written, and as Jesus said, 'Behold, your house is left unto you desolate!' Don't be misled by the word flood, it's meaning can be seen in verses such as Isaiah 8:8, or Daniel 11:10. A excellent verse to get a feel for what this means is Daniel 11:26. When the Bible talks about an army, war, and the flood or overflowing. This is what is in view. It means it is a great overflowing army in this war. The armies are those who fought against Christ, and to the end of the war, they are left desolate and cut off, but to a remnant, he returns with Mercies.
Was there war at the cross? Indeed there was. When the Bible says that they were all against Christ, that is War. To be at enmity against Christ, is to be at war with Him. Just as to be reconciled in Christ, is to be at Peace with Him. The Flood is the overwhelming or overflowing of those who came against Christ. There was none that stood with Him. We see this in Messianic Psalms, such as:
Psalms 69:2
- "I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the FLOODS OVERFLOW Me. I am weary of crying: My throat is dry: Mine eyes fail while I wait for My God. They that hate me without a cause (John 15:25) are more than the hairs of Mine head: They that would destroy Me, being Mine enemies wrongfully are mighty:..."
This is the overflowing flood of the army that came against Christ, and which made an end of City and Sanctuary. It's those who fought against the Messiah, His Enemies, those that Hated Him. They were as a Flood. And they made war until the end, and desolations were determined. They are judged of God. Blindness had happened to them. The Prophet and the vision is sealed. In fact, the verse we saw in Acts 15 of rebuilding the tabernacle of David from it's ruins, is taken from the Book of Amos.
Amos 9:11
- "In that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old."
When Acts says this scripture is fulfilled (Acts 15:16) as it is written, it tells us that we don't have to look elsewhere for the fulfillment. It is fulfilled in Christ. Again, notice the language of verse 5 when talking about this judgement of Israel.
Amos 9:5
- "And the Lord God of hosts is He that toucheth the land, and it shall melt, and all that dwell therein shall mourn: and it shall rise up wholly like a FLOOD: and shall be drowned, as by the FLOOD of Egypt."
At the cross, Christ freed us from bondage to Satan just as God freed Israel from bondage to Pharaoh. And as the armies who fought against Israel were drowned then, so those who fight against Israel (Christ) at the cross come up like a flood, and are drowned in God's judgement. It is God who has left this city desolate because of their warfare with him. They would destroy the City and the Temple, and God will bring judgement upon them, and raise it up again in 3 days. He will build again the tabernacle that is fallen, and raise again the ruins, with living bricks. Merciful God returns with compassion, to the rebuilding of the tabernacle.
Isaiah 40:1
- "Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God. Speak ye comfortably to JERUSALEM, and cry unto her, that her WARFARE is accomplished, and that her INIQUITY is pardoned: for she HATH RECEIVED DOUBLE for all her sins."
When we study this chapter carefully, we see that this speaks of the coming of Christ and what He did for Israel by the cross, 'not' of a (supposed) future event. That's another important fact. Jerusalem was Judged, and she was at war, but that warfare ends with the death of Christ (for those truly Saved), and the rebuilding of the tabernacle in Him. The time for the Salvation of Israel is not future, but now. Her warfare is accomplished. She has been reconciled to God. Not Literal Jerusalem, or a Literal city! There is no way we can conclude that verse is talking about a literal city or literal warfare ending? The Time for Israel to be Saved is right now, just like the rest of the nations. Because the Israel in view, is 'The Israel of God' made up of all those in Christ. We are comforted in the rebuilding of 'that' Jerusalem, and 'that' Sanctuary. Not a City in the middle east, nor a collection of literal bricks and mortar in a Temple made by Man's hands. The Rebuilding is in Christ, of a Temple made without hands. And Blessed are they who were bestowed Grace to be able to see these truths.
Daniel 9:27
- "And He shall confirm the Covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week He shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations He shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate."
What is this one week (seven) that follows the cutting off of Messiah (after the 62 weeks or sevens). There has been a lot of speculation and guessing of what this means. We've heard everything from 70 years, to 7 years. The reason that we have all these different ideas about this final week, is because people are not letting the scripture interpret this week. They are doing a lot of assuming, and their studies dripping with speculation of when this Covenant is confirmed. I say that respectfully, but with passion. For we 'must' let the Bible itself tell us what it means. As Righteous Joseph said when asked his interpretation, "..Do not Interpretations belong to God?" He was right! And God speaks to us today through His word, not speculation. Let's look within His Holy Word and see what God declares.
There is a simple way to determine what period this is. We know From the context (after the 62 weeks) that it starts after the cross, after Messiah the Prince is 'Cut Off.' And we know that this Prince Confirms ([gabar], a Hebrew word which actually is Strengthened) the Covenant after these 62 weeks. Therefore, the week cannot start until Christ is cut Off! Moreover, we know that in the middle of this final week, the sacrifice and offering will cease, and that at the end of this last week, is the consummation. This much is clearly told us in the verse. And so God has told us that that this week is from the cross (after 62 weeks when Messiah is cut off), and goes all the way from there, to the Consummation (the End of the World). And so what need is there to speculate? On several levels we see that it signifies the New Covenant week. In fact, the only reason anyone would speculate differently would be if they didn't understand how sacrifice and offering ceases in the middle of the week. many people believe this refers to the 'literal' sacrifice of lambs in the literal temple, and so they are confused by a New Covenant week, with sacrifice ceasing, after the cross.
But this truth is confirmed again in Daniel chapter 12, as it talks about the last half of this new Covenant week as Time, Times and one half (3 1/2), a time of Trouble for God's people, and when the taking away of the daily or continual sacrifice would occur.
Daniel 12:5-6
- "..How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?
- And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up His right hand and His left hand unto the heaven, and SWARE by Him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and a half; and WHEN He shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the Holy People, All these things shall be finished."
Daniel 12:11-12
- "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.
- Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days."
This is when the daily or 'continual' shall be taken away. In the Midst of the week. And it's not at the Cross as many respected Theologians think, it's just before the Abomination of desolation. It's when the candlesticks are killed after the testimony of the two witnesses is finished (Rev. 11). When He who restrains iniquity is taken out of the midst (2nd Thess 2). After all are sealed who are to be sealed (Rev. 7). In simple terms, it is after the fulness of the gentiles have come in, and all israel is Saved. Then and only then is a final devastating judgment brought upon the unfaithful Church, a great departing from the faith (1st Timothy 4:1) where there is Apostasy and remaineth no sacrifice. i.e., All Israel has been Saved, and no one else remains to be Saved. And if this time of tribulation is not shortened, because no one else is being saved, there would not be any saved flesh left on earth. But for the sake of the Elect, these days shall be shortened.
The first half of this final week is the time, times and a half that we read about in Revelation 12. The Woman there gave birth to the Man Child (Christ) and she spent Time, Times and 1/2 (3 1/2) fed and nourished under the wings (Protection) of God, away from the face of the serpent. This is the first half of the week (see Rev. 11-12 studies). The Holy People are protected from the Serpent and fed until the time their testimony is finished. Then at that time is the second half of the week. This is the midst (middle) when the other half of the week, the time, times, and 1/2 that is spoken of in Daniel 12 takes place. It's a time of great trial which God says 'will not end' until the power of the Holy People has been scattered (Dan. 12:7), then the End will come. The end is the consummation. That's the end of the last week of Daniel chapter 9. Curious (not Really), That's "exactly" what 2nd Thessalonians 2 says. The end will not come except there come a apostasy first, and the Holy Temple will have abomination (a false god) seated in it. That's the scattering of the Holy People spoken about in Daniel. Nothing comes out consistently inconsistent like all these other ideas about this last week. But here we have total consistency with everything else that is written about these things. That's because it's true. We must seek to understand God's Word correctly. It's when we go from one verse to another and there is contradiction (as with many other theories) that we know we know we have the wrong interpretation. Let's look at a little sketch to perhaps put things into focus a little..
End of the The 62 weeks Consummation Messiah Cut Off | ----------- Covenant confirmed 1 week -----------| | by Messiah, the Prince | | | | ----------- (Our Wilderness Sojourn!) -----------| | | | ------3 1/2 Years ------|------3 1/2 years ------| | or 1260 days | or 42 months | | Time, Times and 1 half | Time, Times and 1 half | | | (Temple) | | | | | | 1260 1290 1335 We are Freed Testimony Abomination The From Bondage Finished! of Desola. Promised The Cross (Midst of Week) Inheritance! Rev. 11This week is not literally 7 years that the New Covenant is confirmed by Christ, but the whole New Covenant period from the cross to the consummation! It celebrates the week of the Feast of tabernacles (See the Feast of Tabernacles study)!Take note, there is only one place in scripture, 'only one' place in the whole Bible that speaks of a Prince being cut off, and then the Covenant being confirmed, and that one place speaks about Christ.
As stated, that word in Daniel 9 translated confirm in the KJV is [gabar], which 'is' the word strengthen. How was the Covenant made strong or Confirmed? It was confirmed by Christ going to the cross to put the muscle behind the Word promising Israel an inheritance. The people are the ones written on that will or agreement (Covenant). The body of Christ are the ones whom the promise of the Covenant was with. The Israel of God!
Galatians 3:17
- "And this I say, that the COVENANT, that was CONFIRMED before of God IN CHRIST, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect."
The Covenant was Confirmed "IN CHRIST" and is not made of non effect by the law. The promise was before the law. This Covenant, Confirmed [prokauroo] (made authoritative) by Christ's death on the cross cannot be disannuled. He is it's STRENGTH! His Death made it Authoritative! And So we see the confirmation of The Prince/Leader (Christ) to make this Covenant strong and authoritative is the cross. This is what Christ did, not anti-Christ. Antichrist never strengthens a Covenant, at least not according to scripture. All rhetoric aside, the only one who the Bible (not I) says 'confirmed' any Covenant is the Messiah. And the only one who the Bible (not I) says 'strengthened' a Covenant is Messiah. So who are we going to believe? Theologians, teachers, or the Bible? The New Covenant is the Covenant made strong in Christ's Blood. He gave it it's strength. Have you never read in Hebrews of how the New Testament (exact same word Covenant) was of 'no force' while the covenantor was still alive? But after He was dead (cut off), then it was strengthened. This is what is in view in daniel 9 prophesying Messiah strengthening the Covenant for many for one week.
Hebrews 9:16
- "For where a covenant is, there must also of necessity be the death of the covenantor. For a Covenant is of FORCE after men are dead: otherwise it is of no Strength at all while the covenantor liveth."
That's the Word of the Living God telling us that the New Covenant had no strength until Christ died on the cross, cut off for our sins. And then was it made strong! Christ Confirmed or made strong the Covenant for many in His blood. The Covenant is like a will. It's a promise or agreement to hand over an inheritance to Israel. The Messiah had to die in order for us to receive the inheritance in that will. This He did at the cross. He confirmed the Covenant with many (NOT ALL) for this one week. Again, logically and Biblically we see that this also proves that the length of the week is from the cross, to the end, because that is the time of the confirmed or strengthened Covenant with Messiah. The only Covenant confirmed or strengthened by anyone in scripture. The only one where we see this language used. The will Confirmed at the cross, the inheritance received at the end. The New Covenant with Israel that Messiah/Christ confirmed. The New Covenant or Testament Church. They are the same. But don't take my word for it. Read Hebrews chapter 8 and 9 carefully, and God makes that abundantly clear. Speaking of the New Testament with relationship to the old Testament, God says:
Hebrews 8:9
- "For finding fault with them, (the old Covenant) He saith, behold, the days come saith the Lord, when I will make a New Covenant with the house of ISRAEL and with the house of Judah:
Hebrews Chapter 8 and 9 make it clear the New Covenant with Israel is the New Covenant Church. I ask no one to accept my words, study these two chapters yourself. This is the Covenant confirmed, made authoritative, strengthened in Christ. And these chapters show the New Covenant is strengthened in Christ's blood for the Israel of God!
Look at this one week confirmed by the Prince, Messiah, in the light of what the scriptures have to say about it. For example, why does God symbolize this time from the cross to the end of the world as one week in which the Covenant is strengthened (Daniel 9)? The answer I believe can be found in looking at Israel, and the command that she observe the feast of tabernacles 'one week.' We know what the Passover feast pointed to. We know what the Feast of Firstfruits or Pentecost pointed to. But do you know what the Feast of Tabernacles points to?
The first thing we look for in determining what it's pointing to is to look for any information as to why it was to be observed. We find that information in Leviticus 23:42, as God tells the Israelites,
"Ye shall dwell in booths seven days (week); and all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths: that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel to dwell in booths, when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God."We should note that the Hebrew word booth [cukkah] is the same word that is translated tabernacle. So here in this verse we see that they were to dwell in booths 7 days, as a indication of their wilderness sojourn from the bondage in Egypt to the promised land. And on the 8th day was a Holy Convocation (Leviticus 23:36). Why is the Lord telling Israel to dwell in Tabernacles/Booths 7 days? He is declaring this because this week typifies their wilderness journey from Egypt to the promised Land. These booths were "TEMPORARY" habitations in their journey to their "Real" home. That's why it's called the feast of tabernacles/booths. Why does this relate to the New Covenant period? Because like Israel (We are Israel remember), we are in a wilderness (the world) journey, to the promised land (Heaven). Like Israel in the wilderness, we are strangers and pilgrims here. In other words, this is not our real home. Our true Home is at the end of our wilderness journey. Like Israel, we were brought out of bondage and made free (remember Jesus said, If I shall make you Free, you shall be free indeed?). When we became saved, we were freed from the house of bondage, but we still have a journey to reach the promised land. Israel had a wilderness journey before she could enter the promised land. The woman of Revelation 12 (Israel, The Church) we read has a wilderness journey also. The wilderness is the world we live in. That will be where she must temporarily live until she goes to be with the Lord. We (The Covenant Church) are that Woman. And as Israel dwelt in temporary tabernacles, so we dwell in a temporary tabernacle which is our bodies. When our wilderness sojourn on this earth is through, we'll put off these tabernacles and receive our permanent habitation. This is the "MARVELOUS" way that God uses His Word almost like a picture puzzle to Illustrate truths to us. As Israel of Old sojourned in tabernacles in the wilderness, so we (The Israel of God) must do the same. And the earthly Church (our tabernacle also) is our temporary homes. But we look for a better, real home. As Hebrews 11 speaks of Abraham who sojourned in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles, who looked for a city whose builder and maker is God, and he confessed that he was a STRANGER and a PILGRIM on earth. You see, His home was in heaven. Earth was his temporary abode. He looked for a city made by GOD, not of bricks and Mortar. Or again:
2nd Peter 1:14 says
- "Yea I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance; Knowing that shortly I must put off this tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me."
He was talking about his decease. He knew that his tabernacle (Body) was a temporary home in his wilderness sojourn to the promised land.
2nd Corinthians 5:1
- "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven:"
The Beautiful truth of God's word. That's what the Israelites coming out of bondage to Egypt and their wilderness Journey in tabernacles, was pointing to. It pointed to our (Israel) freedom from bondage to Satan and our wilderness journey in our temporary tabernacles (our Bodies) on our way to the promised land, the inheritance! Know ye not that our Bodies are a Temple of God? We are fed by the Bread of Heaven, the word of God which is Christ. And the Children of Israel were fed by the manna from heaven in their wilderness sojourn. Some of them murmured against the bread of Heaven (manna) and were judged because of it, and sadly, the Church today murmurs against the Word of God and will be judged. This is a type that God has instituted for our understanding. He who has wisdom, hear what God says.
......He that hath ears to hear let him hear.
We now can better understand why God tells the Israelites to observe "one week" that they dwell in tabernacles, to commemorate their wilderness journey out of the house of bondage to the promised land. It's pointing to the New Covenant week which Christ confirmed in His blood. In this, we can see the significance of the feast of tabernacles and can better understand why God calls this the time that the New Covenant is confirmed in His Blood. The Covenant confirmed one week! It points to the Feast of tabernacles, which points to the New Covenant period to the end of the world. From the cross, (Deliverance out of Bondage) to the inheritance (The Promised land). The entire New Testament period is typified by this final Week!
Daniel 9:27 tells us that in the midst of the week, he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease. What is this talking about? Again, we must go to the scriptures to find out. When we look at the one week wilderness journey, we find that it is divided into two segments which are spiritually a half week, or half a week of years. God uses the term, "time, times and a half" I believe to illustrate this spiritual length of time. Of course common sense would tell us that since the week is not a literal week, the half weeks are not literal either. This is no doubt why God uses "time, times and a half" to describe these halves of this week. To signify that these are not literal periods of time. i.e., it's a length of time which is not disclosed (for that would mean we would know when the consummation is, and no man knows the day and hour of the Lord's Return), it's the whole New Covenant period. The first half of the week I believe is from the cross to the time when the woman of revelation 12 (Church) is no longer fed away "FROM" the face of the serpent.
Revelation 12:14
- "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a TIME, TIMES, AND A HALF A TIME, from the face of the serpent."
This is the first half of the week. Christ comes out of Israel, and Israel is delivered of this man Child and she goes into the wilderness where she is Nourished/Fed time times and a half. Why does it say she is nourished for time, times, and a half, and not the full wilderness journey? Because at the end of this time, times and a half, sacrifice and offering ceases. There is famine, she is no longer fed away from the face of the serpent. The serpent makes war with her and she is given into his hand for the 'other half.' This is the time, times, and the dividing of time spoken of in Daniel, which lasts until the consummation, when the end comes. The Saints (believers) are given into Satan's hand for this time, times and the dividing of time, and THEN the judgment comes.
Daniel 7:25
- "And He shall speak great words against the most high, and shall wear out the saints of the most high, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a TIME, TIMES AND THE DIVIDING OF TIME."
This is what's in View. Israel (the New Covenant church) is assaulted by Satan and his messengers when he is loosed of God, and these place the abomination in the Temple. The Apostasy! And they (the saints, the Church) are given in his hand until time, times, and a half. And then the judgment sits, and end of the world. This mirrors what we read in Daniel 12 of the power of the Holy People (Believers) being scattered time, times and a half, when God swore that all would be finished. All totally consistent with everything else in scripture. This is as we read in Revelation 11 of the two Candlesticks/Witnesses/Prophets/Olive Trees being killed. It's the same Symbolic picture of the Church. They are overrun and given into his hand when he is loosed for time, times and a half. Any way you look at it, God is painting the picture that when the testimony is finished (Revelation 11:7), the Church is killed. That's the language of sacrifice and offering (or the gift) ceasing. The Churches testimony is finished because all Israel who is to be saved, has been saved. Because of the overspreading of abomination that stands in the Temple of God, they shall make the temple desolate. Even until the consummation. Till the end come, and judgment be poured out upon those who make it desolate. It will remain desolate until the end. Let's take another larger look at a sketch to put the bigger picture in perspective.
Word To Jubile Year Build (7 Sevens) Messiah THE 445 B.C. 406 B.C. The Prince CONSUMMATION | | |--- Covenant confirmed 1 week ---| |To 7, 7's | - 434 yrs -| by Messiah The Prince | | | to 62 weeks| (Our Wilderness Sojourn!) | | | | | | | | 3 1/2 | 3 1/2 | | | | | | | | Coming |Time/Times & 1/2|Time/Times & 1/2| | | of /| | | | | Messiah / | ---- Fed ----- | --- Famine --- | | | | | Temple | | | | 1260 1290 1335 445 B.C. 406 B.C. after 62 wks Testimony Abom.of Messiah Cut off Finished! Desol. Inheritance Freed from Bondage Promised!That is the Biblical interpretation of the 70 weeks of Daniel Chapter Nine. The overview is that the 70 weeks go from the command to build again the City, to the Jubile year, to the coming of Messiah the Prince of Israel, and after this 62 weeks, is Messiah cut off, and confirms or strengthens the New Covenant by His work on the cross, for one week. During this week, abomination stands in the holy place, and sacrifice and the gift ceases. i.e., there is no more Salvation left in these churches and the power of the Holy People is scattered. There is a famine of hearing the Word of God so that there is no free gift or sacrifice in the Temple. And this abomination shall leave the Temple desolate. And if these days of tribulation and trouble weren't shortened, there would be no flesh on earth left to be Saved (as sacrifice and offering has ceased). But for the Chosen of God's sake, the days are shortened, that there will be a rapture! And that is at the end or the consummation.
I think that I have done a careful study on this issue (much of which is not even included in this brief overview) and have based this study totally on the Bible. I believe this is solidly based on scriptures, and unlike many articles I've read, I think it will stand under the Light of the Word. It is totally consistent with the 2nd Thessalonians Study, Romans 11 study, the Revelation chapter 11, 12, 17, and 20 Study, etc. There is no way to make these things continually consistent "considering ALL of scripture" except that they are in agreement with what the scriptures say. Otherwise, the passages would clash with each reading. The consistency of all these with the Word of God I believe testifies to their correctness.
I welcome any comment or criticisms as to any inconsistency that you may see in this study. I do not ignore any scripture that has to do with these things. I don't write to be shown right, but because I believe this is the testimony of scripture. In our study of His divine truths, may God give us all the Wisdom we need in the Study of His Most Holy Word.
Peace, Feel free to duplicate, display or distribute this publication to anyone who would like a copy, as long as there are no changes made to it, and the above copyright notice remains intact. This publication can be distributed only in it's original form, unedited, and without cost.
Copyright 1994 Tony Warren
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-------------------------*---------------------------Created 3/13/94 / Last Modified 3/20/00
The Mountain Retreat / twarren10@aol.com