Frequently Asked Questions About Christianity, Answered Honestly!
What about Dinosaurs
Are They Mentioned in the Bible?
by Tony Warren
Dinosaurs became extinct long ago, many people are naturally curious about their fossil remains and the well-oiled myths and traditions that go along with them. As they hear theories about their origin, some begin to wonder if the supposition about their evolutionary beginnings could possibly be true. Moreover, the constant bombardment of propaganda from "so-called" scientific shows, nature programs, and Paleontologist interviews, this confusion is somewhat understandable. But popular indoctrination or influences should never be an excuse for a Christian doubting the Bible's creation narrative. One of the problems with man is that when he hears the same teaching presented as if it were verifiable proof over and over again, he will inevitably start to believe that it "is fact." Particularly when he never hears the other side of the story because of prevailing modern progressive influences. But the theory of Dinosaurs predating man is simply a house built upon sand.
In other words, it has no real solid foundation. But as long as no one examines it carefully, and nothing comes along to test its structure to show it is faulty, it will appear to be a solidly built hypothesis. ...which is nothing but a fancy word for a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of very limited evidence as its base.
The simple truth is, "if a scientist's assumptions are wrong, then his conclusions will also be wrong." So when Christians begin to put more stock in the word of men than they do in the word of God, then we can safely say that their priorities are skewed. More than that, they have abrogated their allegiance to that word as the supreme and ultimate authority over truth, faith, and practice.
Many Christians make the statement that they do about the evolution of Dinosaurs because they "assume" that there is overwhelming scientific evidence not only about the age of our planet but also about when Dinosaurs and man came upon the scene. This is the great evolutionary deception of the scientific community. True science is the systematic study of the physical or material world, organized and based on facts, empirical evidence, observations, and experimentation. It is not a hypothesis masquerading as fact, nor presuppositions, or theory. Of course, people do throw in some facts, but the glue that holds their theory together is the "assumptions and presuppositions," not the facts.
"Assumption is the mother of all errors" -Eugene Lewis Fordsworthe
Without these assumptions, the facts just lay there meaninglessly. And as far as their dating methods, what many do not understand is that carbon dating also relies heavily on some starting assumptions, and presuppositions of things like the consistent rate of decay over time, the starting makeup of test material, etc., etc. They are assuming things that they don't know (and can't know) in order to arrive where they want to be.
For a faithful Christian to believe in evolution, he must either, (1)Not know what evolution means, (2)Not understand what Christianity means, or (3)Both! Either God was not telling the truth when he said all the animals and man were created on the same day, or Dinosaurs and man co-existed in the beginning. One or the other is true, but most certainly not both.
Paleontologists and popular nature shows of course don't give equal time to anything that contradicts whatever theory they profess is the truth, and most aren't even honest enough to even call it a theory anymore. It's almost impossible to get any unbiased information from any of these shows. And yet it is called science and the majority of viewers believe that it is actually unbiased science. Even though we all know that nothing is purely unbiased science. At best we can read their papers ourselves, in light of the other side of the story, and make an educated decision on what to believe. But of course, few people these days like to read something that they've already decided is wrong. Moreover, who has the time to sift through scientific journals looking for assumptions and suppositions? To be sure, there are some Christian scientists who attempt to give us the other side of the story, but a lot of them take liberties themselves, and in general use a lot of unscientific and biased evidence themselves. America, and indeed most of the world, gets their information from television and the school systems. Therein lies the problem of how this theory is now expounded all over the world "as if" it were a fact. When a theory has only points and no counterpoints, it's inevitable that people will learn to believe what they've heard all their lives. To make a real educated decision on what is true, you not only need to hear what they say is occurring, but also what others say about flawed methodology, why their hypothesis is not a fact, and how it scientifically simply cannot be. And that's what you don't normally get to hear because of the arrogance of these people, and the foolishness of those who accept their fables without examining what are facts and what is premise.
Proverbs 18:12-13
- "Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility.
- He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him."
Most people accept these theories sight unseen because it's a tradition that has always simply been accepted as what occurred. However, the facts don't always fit their conclusions. As an example, there were Dinosaur footprints found in the same stream bed as that of man, but as the years have passed, there are now concerted efforts by many to proclaim these footprints must be some kind of mistake, or they were made by an ape, that maybe the dating process was wrong, or even that it wasn't a man's footprint at all. Why? Simple, because they've already come to their conclusions that they preceded man and so they will not be confused by the facts. In other words, the facts cannot be allowed to contradict their long-held theory that man's footprint "cannot" be with dinosaurs. When it contradicts all they stand for and have been saying for years, it automatically must be wrong. That becomes their starting premise--that it's wrong. That's not science. They set out not
to scientifically examine the facts, but to prove them wrong. Many Christians have stumbled and parrot the line put forth by these people, accepting their words as written truth because to them it "seems" to be correct. Mankind has always fallen upon blind faith that what these scientists and Paleontologists say is true (since they're not learned scientists themselves), but it's misplaced trust where it should not be. Mankind tends to repeat things that sound good as if they were parrots. And this is why we have so many false doctrines in the church today being accepted as the truth by so many deceived people. Because people don't bother to study or check anything thoroughly, they simply reason that it sounds good, it must be true. As the old axiom that:
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes!" -Mark Twain
Which brings us to Dinosaurs, which is a case in point. They are simply looked at as exotic (meaning something very different, strange, or unusual) animals today because we're not used to seeing them. The fact is, they are simply more of what we now have on this planet, but have become extinct, which makes them seem unusual. The thinking that because an animal is huge or has become extinct doesn't make it a Prehistoric beast that must have been a product of evolution. We have all sorts of beasts that would appear prehistoric to us had we never seen them before. Can you imagine what you would think if you had never in your life seen a Rhinoceros because it died off years ago and its bones had become fossilized and then were dug up today? You would be astonished by its appearance. It would strike you as something of a great Wonder! Even an Elephant (if you had never seen one), would appear an exotic and wondrous beast. If it had died off about 5000 years ago and then someone dug up a piece of a fossil of an elephant, you would be at the mercy of those scientists from just a few bones arrogant enough to tell you how it moved, what its flesh consisted of, and how it lived. They could paint any scenario of how these creatures camouflaged themselves by standing near rocks, or how they ran rampant killing everything in their sight with their tusks, or that they were docile creatures who ate leaves. ...whatever they said, we'd all look at the picture of this beast that they constructed and think, "Yeah, that seems right and looks like an animal that would do this so it must be true." i.e., our ignorant and unconscious acceptance
by faith of that theory that a scientist pronounced would become facts. We are at the mercy of whatever they imagine. This is what scientists do with Dinosaurs. They dig up fossils and they tell you they lived millions of years ago, and they explain how they lived, and what they did, and people take it as scientific fact simply because it "seems" right. We act as if nothing ever becomes extinct, when in fact animals and plants are becoming extinct all the time. The rocky Mountain Locust became extinct in 1900. in 1989 the golden toad became extinct. The Pyrenean ibex (Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica), one of two subspecies of the Spanish ibex, became extinct just this year of 2000. The American Buffalo almost became extinct not long ago, and had it done so that wouldn't make it a prehistoric creature if someone a thousand years from now made that claim. The extinction of Dinosaurs are no great revelation or evidence of anything particularly peculiar or unusual for the time.
Moreover, It's not a fact that Dinosaurs lived "millions" of years ago and died off before man came on the scene, it's a well-manicured hoax and a rejection of God's word of the creation order. Man and beast were created on the very same sixth day according to the authority of God. Six "evenings and mornings," the very same six days that make up a week we experience in our time. Who is going to argue with God on authoritative declarations except for the vaunted scientists wise in their own conceits, and those gullible souls who follow their word as if they were the authoritative, all knowing being?
Genesis 1:25-26
- "And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
- And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."
So if God didn't make both Adam and the beasts and creatures of the earth on the very same sixth day, then the whole Bible is all a lie. And if these days are extended periods (as some suppose) then again we have a lie because that would make Adam billions of years old in this alleged billion-year day. Moreover, the word of God declares:
Genesis 1:31
- "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
Meaning, the days were exactly as they are in our time. namely, an evening and a morning, approximately twenty-four hours. Bible believers should also remember that Adam is still there on the seventh day, which again illustrates the period of a revolution of the earth around the sun. Literally, an evening and a morning. This great evolution myth makes God's word about the fall, evenings and mornings, original sin, and the creation order all just another Christian fable. For God says that all the creatures of the earth and man were created on the sixth day. This necessarily means that man and what man calls dinosaurs were all created on that same sixth day. Else we
have confusion. The Biblical fact is that mankind didn't evolve from a primordial soup, and neither did Dinosaurs. The whole sordid theory is simply a subconscious attempt to usurp and replace the divine creator, with the creation. It subverts God's word and places man in the Holy Temple as his own authoritative word of what is truth. Thus man becomes idolatrous in being his own god.
It's ironic because they probably wouldn't even be finding so many fossils of Dinosaurs had it not been for God sending the great flood in Noah's day, and yet they exclude God from the whole creation equation. The state of preservation of most of these fossils indicates a quick burial and encasement in mud. It was this great rain and mud that caused most of these fossils. We know that normally animals and sea creature's remains don't fossilize. They rot, decay, are eaten, and deteriorate where they return to dust. The Dinosaur remains fossilized because they were quickly buried and trapped in mud and vegetation under heavy pressure. When the mud compressed and
hardened to stone, the fossils of these things were created.
The question is, do we believe in real science, or in man's egotistical contrived science? Take a tub full of mud and put a starfish in it, put it in a press, add pressure, and set it out in the sun to harden. You're going to have a fossil someday if you store it away and wait long enough. And it won't take a
million years either! On the other hand, take a starfish, throw it in the woods, and it will rot, be eaten by insects and worms, and bacteria will cause it to decay and deteriorate until there is eventually nothing left but the dust from which it originally sprang. Even if you bury it, the same thing will happen! Throw it in the ocean, and the same thing will happen. It normally takes an extraordinary cataclysmic event to create fossils. a "Great Flood" which encases things in mud when it subsides. The Bible answers these simple questions that man in his zeal to be his own ruler, his own god, makes complicated for his own agenda.
Likewise, God created this earth with the "appearance of age," just as Christ in His first miracle of creation made wine from purification water instantly, having the appearance of a finely aged wine. It normally would take years to create the finest wine, but God did it Instantly. Indeed, just as He created Adam with the appearance of age, as a grown man in that one day. And the same
with this world of ours, and the stars in the heavens:
Hebrews 11:3
- "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
Do not be deceived, things are truly not as they may appear to be. Understanding this requires the faith of Christ to believe in the ultimate authority of the word of God over the words of men. God forbid that we would justify ourselves by accepting man's declarations over God word (Romans 3:4). The unrighteous man in his arrogance will not understand our faith, and indeed he will think us quite foolish, gullible, and naive. In his eyes, only a fool would think that God created the stars and then relaxed for a billion years waiting for its light to reach the earth. His God is his idea of science and doesn't comprehend how a God could create the stars and have its light in transit instantly to shine upon the earth. He is God after all, so that He doesn't need to follow man's laws of the universe. Through faith, we know that God is the creator of those laws. He is not subject to the laws of the universe, the laws of the universe are subject to His will. This is
why He can do supernatural miracles that are not subject to these laws. If he had to follow those laws, then He wouldn't be God! He placed those laws for man into existence in one day. And one of them is that man and Dinosaur was created on the same day. Dinosaurs are simply creatures that
have existed long ago and have become extinct. Man in his obstinate heart is the one who has created fables, traditions, assumptions, and myths about creation that are contrary to the word of God. Man's views are more in line with his own imagination, lusts, or the thrill of an adventure movie where he glorifies himself over God. There is no fear of God before his eyes, as he is so enamored with the words, books, and papers of the paleontologists and talking heads that God's words and commandments have no sway over him. He would rather glorify himself than keep God's commandment in receiving the love in truth.
Ecclesiastes 12:12-14
- "And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
- Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
- For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."
Their faith is faith in man's words, rather than in God's words. It has nothing to do with the beasts whose actual fossils are found, it has more to do with their own faulty judgments of what appears to be and an enormously high opinion of themselves. But God shall bring every work of man into judgment, with every secret or subconscious thing they imagine, whether they are good and righteous thoughts, or whether they are idolatrous, vain, narcissistic, egotistical, and evil.
Does the Bible have anything to say about Dinosaurs?" You would think so, but to be honest we cannot really say for certain. However, it seems pretty logical based on circumstantial evidence of scripture that either dinosaurs or dinosaur-like creatures are mentioned in the Bible. The Hebrew word [livyathan] translated Leviathan, as near as we can tell, means some sort of large fierce sea creature. It could very well be some sort of (what we call) dinosaur. The places where it is found in scripture bear this out. For example, Job 41 where it asks rhetorically,
Job 41:1-10
- "Canst thou draw out Leviathan with a hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?
- canst thou put a hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?
- will he make many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee?
- will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever?
- wilt thou play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens?
- shall the companions make a basquet of him? shall they part him among the merchants?
- canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears?
- lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more.
- behold the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?
- none is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?"
The message here of course is that this sea creature is so fierce that men are made to tremble at the mere sight of him. The claim by some that this could be a whale or a crocodile is frankly ludicrous given these verses. This creature is obviously both huge and fierce. It is so terrible that we read that no one would dare rouse him up. This doesn't seem to fit any sea creature we know today. Again,
Job 3:8
- "Let them curse it that curse the day, who are ready to raise up their mourning."
That Hebrew word translated mourning is [livyathan], the Leviathan. It is a dragon-like terrible sea creature that no one would raise or rouse up. This verse literally reads, "Let them curse it that curse the day, who are ready to rouse up Leviathan." In other words, this verse is labeling these people the foolish who will do foolish things. i.e., waking up Leviathan is a foolish thing for a person to do. God also speaks of this beast in illustrating his glory to be able to do all things, as in Psalms chapter seventy-two.
Psalms 74:14
- "Thou breakest the heads of Leviathanin pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness."
God fears nothing, and all is under His power, including the most fierce and feared of the beasts of the sea.
Psalms 104:25-27
- "So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great Beasts.
- there go ships: there is that Leviathan whom thou hast made to play therein.
- these wait all upon Thee; that Thou mayest give them their meat in due season."
Even these great fierce creatures of the sea are under the control of God, and their destiny is as He alone ordains. They do not even eat without God's permissive will, nor are they terrible creatures without his say-so. These verses illustrate God's Sovereignty even over the fiercest creatures that man will fear.
And the last place this fearsome beast is mentioned is in Isaiah where he is used in symbolism for Satan, as he is defeated that salvation may be brought forth.
Isaiah 27:1
- "In that day the lord with His sore and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent, and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea."
It seems very clear from these passages that whatever this beast refers to, it is some great fierce serpentine creature of the sea, which I do not believe we can identify as existing today. We know a whale would not qualify as the fierce creature that men would fear to rouse up. A whale is generally
a gentle creature and doesn't sleep in the sense that man could rouse or wake him up.
Additionally, this word is not by any means the only place where we would say that God could be speaking of what we today call Dinosaurs. In an astounding passage, God speaks to Job and He describes something that most certainly (from the description) fits the bill to be what we call Dinosaurs. It's spoken of in Hebrew as [behemowth] or Behemoth, a word used only (here), and that means some sort of giant creature.
Job 40-15-24
- "Behold now Behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.
- Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
- he moveth his tail like a cedar: the senews of his stones are wrapped together.
- his bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are bars of iron.
- he is the chief of the ways of God: He that made him can make His sword to approach unto him.
- surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play.
- He lieth under the shady trees, in the covert of the reed, and fens.
- the shady trees cover him with their shadow; the willows of the
brook compass him about.
- behold he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up jordan into his mouth.
- he taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares."
Some have speculated that this may be an Ox or an elephant or a hippopotamus. This would be a distortion of scripture because clearly it is stated that he eats grass "like an ox" (Job 40-15). Therefore it can't be an ox, and it says that he moves his tail like a cedar (a elephant and hippo barely have a tail). It says that he drinks up a river, again not an ox. The Behemoth with a tail like a cedar tree puts a picture in our minds of what we today call a dinosaur, and perhaps even a Brachiosaurus.
These creatures lived on the earth at the same time that man lived on the earth (their inclusion in the Bible assures this), until they became extinct. This means man's theories of evolution and declarations that they could not have lived at the same time as man, makes God a liar once more. Bible-believing Christians need to understand this about those untenable theories of evolution.
It is generally thought by most learned Theologians that the book of Job may very well be the oldest book in the bible. And this would account for so many mentions of creatures such as these Behemoths and the Leviathan. These may be thought of as prehistoric beasts, but they actually were a part of man's history, if we take God's word of the creation order seriously. How we understand the six days of creation, Adam and Eve, original sin, the establishment of the sabbath of rest, the fall, and yes, the creation of Dinosaurs with man, affects our understanding of not only the power of God, who God is, the glory of God, and the divine purpose and duty of man. Dinosaurs were just one small part of God's creation, and yet even though they are extinct, they affect our Spiritual outlook, reason, logic, and faith. Will we receive the love of truth in God's words, glorifying Him, or defer to the vain, egotistical, profitless, words of men, glorifying ourselves? It's as simple as a Dinosaur which is just another creature that God created on the sixth day, a stumbling block for the faithless, and a building block for those who believe. Do we hold fast to the Biblical truths that have stood the test of time, or do we change times and laws to suit the modern-day adversaries to the truth? We can thank God that there are as many who believe in truth as there are. We thank God for you, who hold fast, who keep the laws, and who are called to belief, rather than declension. Because many will think this writing is egotistical, outrageous, judgmental, and arrogant. But we thank God for those of you who don't.
2nd Th 2:13-15
- "But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
- Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle."
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Created 04/23/95 / Last Modified 02/16/00
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