-by Tony Warren
Clearly scripture tells us that attributing the work of God to Satan is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. But is that one form of this sin, or the sum and total of this blasphemy. What I mean is, does this sin of Blasphemy encompass more than simply this aspect? Specifically, what is the unpardonable sin? Does this sin still apply to people today, or did it only apply to those blaspheming Christ walked He walked the earth in the flesh? These are questions that are routinely asked by many Christians. Others think the unforgivable sin is calling Christ Satan, Homosexuality, suicide, denying Christ before men or even abortion. These questions have troubled many readers of holy scripture. And the specifics the sin have perplexed both Christians and non-Christians alike. Sadly, most theologians tend to either ignore this sin completely, or simply answer that "the unforgivable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit." Which actually doesn't "really" answer the question. The problem is, many Christians live in fear, wrestling with the idea that they might have, even unwittingly, committed this sin. And because there are so few "Biblical" answers, and so many diverse beliefs concerning this, it can become quite confusing. For example, many people believe that this sin was "only" committed by those seeing the Lord Jesus in the flesh, having done the unmistakable miracles of salvation, and attribute that power to Satan. They surmise that since Christ is no longer physically on earth doing these miracles, the unforgivable sin can no longer be committed today. However, there is nothing in scripture that suggests this sin only applied to those who witnessed Christ in the flesh. On the contrary, it seems obvious that Christ is instructing the Church to take care that they not fall into this gross error. Moreover, in other passages of the Bible, God describes sins where it is explicitly stated that it is impossible for the person to be renewed again unto repentance. By any normal grammatical definition, this would qualify as an unpardonable sin. Thus, it can and does apply today.
The person that has committed the sin unto death, has sinned the unpardonable sin. This sin is the blasphemy in the apostasy from the faith. Whether from the faith of the Covenant Christian religion to that which is rudiment, to diverse idolatries or to the world, it is the unforgivable sin unto death. I have heard people say that they believe the unforgivable sin is simply unbelief. That obviously cannot be true, because Christ declares all sins of man (except blasphemy of the Holy Spirit) can be forgiven. And at one time or another we all were guilty of the sin of unbelief. Thus, unbelief obviously can be forgiven. The Bible teaches us that (Revelation 21:8) God judges all men according to their unlawful works and not specifically for the sin of unbelief. So then, again the question remains, what is the unpardonable sin? What specifically is the sin that is unforgivable? Specifically, what is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? First, let us define some terms. The Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit, is Almighty God. And blasphemy, in the Biblical economy, means any evil act against, contempt for, or slander of the Lord God almighty. i.e., to speak evil of God. I believe that when we search the scriptures carefully, we find that there is ample warrant to believe that the unforgivable sin can only be committed by members of the Lord's congregation. It is the willful adversarial apostasy from God's Church. It is the falling away of God's enlightened Covenant people to turn against Him and the work of His Spirit. Even as we read that the Pharisees did. If someone who has been made part of the Covenant body, wherein they have come to knowledge of the truth in the way of righteousness, and yet they would turn away to attribute the works of God to the devil, then they blasphemy the Spirit of God, wherein they were made partakers. And contrary to some Christians ideas, this still holds true today. This is why Christ said that the Pharisees would never be forgiven. Because they were the spiritual leaders of the Lord's congregation, the ones who were in charge of the law, and the ones whom the very Covenant pertained to. And yet for all their knowledge, they turned away from God's word and forsook Christ as an enemy. This when "They," above all, should have known better.
These men whom Christ spoke to were the ones to whom the adoption pertained, and the Covenant, and the Promises and service of God. And yet they had become so separated from God that they spoke against the work of the Spirit as evil. And Christ said that such blasphemy would not be forgiven them in this world, nor in the world to come. These Covenant people, in their settled and willful rejection of the living Word, and in the face of indisputable evidence, chose to forsake the truth. In their insidious choice in attributing Christ's works to the power of Satan, they had slandered (blasphemed) the Holy Spirit. In essence, they had made God the purveyor of Evil. Note that Christ says this in the context of the Pharisees charging that His work in casting out demons was by the power of the Chief of Devils.
The Pharisees had slandered or spoken evil against the work of Christ, and that was blasphemy against God. And speaking a word against the work Holy Spirit involves more than just Covenant people literally saying "Christ is of Evil." It also includes their declaring the works of Christ (which are the works of the Spirit), as evil. In the immediate context of Matthew it may seem that there is not much to indicate "specifically" what is meant by "blasphemy against the Holy Ghost," but in comparing scripture with scripture, I believe that we can come to understand all that this sin really involves. For God declares that all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men, except this one. So of necessity, that means when we search the scriptures diligently, and we find sins that are also declared unforgivable, they must fall into "that" category of the "one" sin that has no forgiveness, "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit." Thus, in understanding this truth, in comparing scripture with scripture, we can better understand all that this sin really entails.
First note that in Matthew 12:31-33, this is clearly a warning given to the whole congregation, because in essence Christ is cautioning those who "think" that they are of God, that there is the specific sin of blasphemy wherein it is proven that they are not truly His servants. And that there is a sin that has no forgiveness because they have shamed the Holy God that they profess to serve. In deeming the works of God to be evil, they have demonstrated their own spirit the adversary. Even though they may "think" that they do God a service (John 16:2
The more things change, the more they remain the same. Likewise, WOE unto these Pharisees that had blasphemed in calling evil good, and good evil, in assigning the works of the Spirit to the Devil. The leaders of the congregation could no longer see the truth, but had become blinded in their own conceit so that they couldn't recognize their blasphemy against the same Spirit that they professed to serve. And that illustrates not only that they had fallen away from the faith into such great apostasy as to not even recognize the Spirit, but also that they had forsaken the God of their fathers and become His adversary. They had turned back into the way of spiritual Egypt, even as the heathen. And as such, they were at enmity with the Spirit, and their disease incurable.
There is "clearly" a stiff price to be paid for those who were once enlightened by heavenly gift of the Spirit in the Covenant Church relationship, who then fall into apostasy and turn away from God. You simply cannot put your hand to the plow to come into the Covenant family house of God, and then look back desiring to return to your old house. For then have you profaned and even defamed God, demonstrating that you are really not worthy of His Kingdom. It would have been better had you not ever come into the Covenant congregation, than to come into it and then turn away to return to your old house. Yet I want to make it clear that this is not to say Christians falling into sin have committed the unforgivable sin. Of course, that is a biblically untenable position and would be disastrous to the Church. Rather, I believe that this sin addresses the turning against Christ, by those who have become part of the Covenant Church. Not Christians falling into sin. The passages in Luke chapter 12, addressing this same sin, shows this same example of the children of the covenant congregation of God falling away to the blindness of unbelief. They went from the representation of the Covenant children of God to become enemies of God. Granted, there are some theologians who think that the context of Luke is entirely different, but I tend to disagree. The context of Luke chapter 12 is the [b]very same rejection of Christ, whom they consider a worker of evil.[/b] This is the same context and sin as seen in Matthew chapter 12. To "deny Christ before men and to speak evil against Him," is the exact same blasphemy as "calling Christ evil in claiming He works through Beelzebub."
To deny Christ before men is calling Him a liar. In a word, blasphemy! Christ is again warning the congregation, instructing them on how to act when they are persecuted by members of the congregation. The sword they lift against their persecutors is not carnal, but the sword which is the word of God. And that word of God comes with the power of the Holy Spirit so that it cuts both coming and going. Is the context here different from that of Matthew chapter 12? Absolutely not. Because the context is the congregation persecuted by their religious peers for professing Christ. It is in the context of Christ warning His people to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. It is in the context of the caveat against those who want you to deny Christ (the Word) and speak evil or blasphemy against that Spirit. The same Spirit that our Lord declares shall teach you in the same hour what you ought to say. Because someone who denies the Word and attribute it to evil is "exactly" the same as attributing the work of Christ to Beelzebub. The congregation speaking evil of Christ is not different from them speaking evil of the holy Spirit. It is this very same blasphemy. There is no real difference and that is why there is no difference in Christ declaring in both passages that there is never forgiveness for those who commit this sin. And remember, He has already told us there is only "one sin" where there is never forgiveness. Thus, any sin that is unforgivable must of necessity be the sin against the Holy Spirit.
These were professed men of God, having knowledge of the truth, who should have known better, and yet they had fallen away from the faith and were in apostasy. They had fallen so far that they were slandering Christ's work and declaring Him the minion of the Devil. Simply put, these scribes which came down from Jerusalem had become enemies of Christ and were slandering or speaking evil of his work. And since the work of Christ (even as the work of Christ in us) is done in the power of the Spirit of God, they are blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. Christ made it perfectly clear from the context why this is a sin that is not forgivable. It is not a sin against man, but against God. The scripture says that is was because, "they had said Christ had an unclean spirit." In other words, the sin is unforgivable because they were members of the body, and yet had forsaken God so much so that they attributed His miraculous works to the work of Satan. In essence, they were members of the congregation of God, calling God evil. They were the leaders of the Covenant people of God, enlightened by having read the scriptures prophesying of Him, and yet they had become so spiritually bankrupt that they could blindly attribute their Messiah's work to the work of the Devil.
Now before I go any further, I want to again be perfectly clear. The unforgivable sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not simply the action of someone who has said something bad about Christ, cursed, spoken carelessly or who has used God’s name in vain. These are sins that have terribly troubled many people who fear they have blasphemed Gods in some thought or deed. Make no mistake, these (and even greater) are terrible sins, but are not the specific sin spoken of by Christ, which has no forgiveness. And this should be quite apparent from any circumspect study of scripture. Because in comparing scripture with scripture, we see that the Apostle Paul himself declares that he himself was such a blasphemer. And Yet, God had mercy and forgave him this terrible sin of Blasphemy against God, and of the persecution of Christ. Because he did these things in ignorance, not as one having been enlightened and deceitfully turned away from God.
The Apostle Paul was clearly a blasphemer of God before His conversion. And I believe that in this passage is found again the answer to the question at issue. Because by inspiration of God, the Apostle Paul clearly and unambiguously indicates what we have been bearing witness to, namely, that His blasphemy was "in ignorance" and unbelief. Not as one having been enlightened and practicing deceit. In other words, this was not done knowingly, but was done without the knowledge of truth that comes from the Spirit body. I believe that this is why Christ says in Mark Chapter 3:28-29 that, "All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme, But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation." All sins of the children of men shall be forgiven, because they are all done stupidly, foolishly, without knowledge. But not the blasphemy against the Spirit, because this specific sin is perpetrated by those who were once enlightened and tasted of the heavenly gift so that they are knowledgeable. For such a one to fall back into the world of unbelief and deem Christ as a product of the Devil, it demonstrates that he loves Satan more than Christ, and having tasted of the gift, prefers the prosperity in Satan. He has put Christ to an open or public shame, and he shall not be forgiven.
God likens these people to Dogs and Swine (Pigs) when they had escaped and been cleaned, and then turned back to the uncleanness that they had previously known, and obviously loved more. Dogs and Pigs were unclean animals in the Old Testament, a symbol of unrighteousness. Here the Dog is seen vomiting, purging himself from that which is making him sick. But "as the dog he is," he then goes back to eat again the filth that had been purged. Likewise in the imagery of the Sow or hog being washed clean, and then "as the hog he is," returning to wallow in the mire or mud to be unclean again. In this passage of 2nd Peter 2, God holds these pictures up as figures of those who shall not be forgiven. So how had they clean escaped? Thy had escaped the pollution of the world through a certain knowledge of Christ by being part of the Spirit dwelling in the external Covenant Church, so that they were no longer in ignorance as the Pharisee Paul was. They were officially washed, just as Judas was officially washed in water, but they were not Spiritually clean. Just as Judas was not Spiritually clean. Because they had never truly been washed clean in the blood of the Lamb. They certainly claimed or professed to be of God (like Judas), but their true nature and iniquity testified against them. More importantly, it was like a testimony against Christ, in whose blood they ceremonially professed to have been washed. They had become part of the external Covenant body and gained knowledge of truth, and yet they loved the world so much that they fell away into apostasy. They had certain knowledge, but they still had the carnal mind (Romans 8:7) which is is enmity against God. They simply could not be subject to the law of God, and in effect, after being enlightened, turned their back on Christ. This sin is so much worse than all other sins because its very nature is an abomination. In having externally been partaker of the Holy Spirit and having gained the knowledge of truth, and then willfully turning to be an adversary, it is the worst form of blasphemy. For it is effectively, having tasted of the riches of Christ's kingdom, and then deeming Satan's Kingdom of greater value. It would have been better for these people if they had never even come to know the way of righteousness. In other words, they were better off being unsaved and under judgment of God, never having the knowledge of Christ, than for them coming to knowledge of Our Lord and then looking back to the world. In rejecting Him for the world, clearly this is a sin that is above and beyond merely being an unsaved person. It is a traitorous act in betraying a divine trust.
The worst form of condemnation by God is that, "it had been good for that man if he had not been born." Judas is a stark example of one committing the unforgivable sin. A sin so bad that it would have been better if he never even existed. Because by spiritually partaking with Christ and then turning against Him to betrayal, that is the worst of sins. In Hebrews chapter 6, God states it even more clearly in plainly declaring that those of the Covenant body who fall away from Christ to return back into the pollution of the world, will never be forgiven. God says that it will be "impossible" for them to be renewed unto repentance. This is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit in putting Christ to open shame. Spiritually speaking, choosing Satan over Christ they shame Christ by making a public example.
These aren't the heathen or the unchurched. These are those who have been enlightened. These are those who have been given taste of the heavenly gift. These are those who have been made partaker of the Holy Spirit by experiencing the living Word of God among God's people. They had all these blessings of God in being part of the Covenant body. And yet they finally rejected all this to return to the house of bondage that they had positionally come out of. They have committed the unpardonable sin wherein it is impossible for them to be renewed again unto repentance. For those who commit the sin against Holy God in loving darkness over the light that was revealed (John 3:19
Seven is the number of completeness. In other words, when anyone has the unclean spirit gone from him wherein he has clean escaped the pollution of the world, and receives the knowledge of truth by being part of the Holy Spirit in the Covenant body (the Church), and then they reject that evidence which God gives, and turns again to his former house, they grow seven times more wicked. i.e., completely or fully wicked. And their last state is worse than if they had remained in ignorance and never come to this knowledge of truth. By their return to their old house, they have shown themselves unfit for the kingdom of God.
The spiritual meaning being, the house of unbelief that you left, you must not look back with desire, and never go back. Else in your unclean desires for your old, you are deemed unfit for the Kingdom of God. Even as Lot's wife, who looked back to the city of Sodom and was made a pillar of salt. She should have kept her eyes on the prize, for it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
So when the question is posed, "what is the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit," I believe that we may safely conclude from scripture that it is to have once been enlightened, become part of the Covenant body partaking of the teachings of the Word by the Holy Spirit, and then turning away from it to go back to the previous living. In this you show your shame and do dishonor to the perfection of God. It is where (Like The Scribes and Pharisees) you have been under the teaching of the Spirit of God of the word, and have gained the knowledge and truth revealed, and yet turn against Christ. Apostatized in turning again to the rudiments of the world. You then become the avowed enemy of that same God, unable to be renewed again to faith or repentance. And our Lord makes this clear in other passages as well. Passages such as found in Hebrews Chapter 10:
In this passage God speaks of those of the Church who willfully or deliberately divorce themselves from God "after" they have received the knowledge of the truth. And again, let's be clear that these are not simply professed Christians who have in some weakness of the flesh fallen into sin, or who are "ignorant" of the truth, or who actually want Christ as their Saviour. These are people who have received knowledge of the truth, but who have then turned away from God willfully to go back to bondage in the kingdom of Satan. In this conscious treasonous rejection of the God that has been revealed to them, they show themselves despisers of Him. They are blasphemers because they have in a sense known God, and then forsook Him to choose to serve Satan.
They are shown the path of righteousness, but they love to do evil more and so abandoned the paths to return to the way of the world, becoming an adversary of the Christ they professed. Not Christians simply falling back into old sins, these are knowledgeable professed Christians who tire of well doing and fall away to become adversarial to Christ. Indeed, at enmity with Christ. Even as many of the Priests, Scribes and Pharisees of Israel, to whom the Covenant was given, and yet whom turned against Christ. Because they never had actually received the new nature, but were still as natural Dogs and Swine to be adversaries of Christ.
Here again, as in 2nd Peter 2, God uses the imagery of Dogs and Swine to make the point about people who return to their carnal/natural state, to be adversaries of Christ. They have no new nature in Spiritual regeneration and so "refuse" to hear the truth. Pray not for this people, nor cast your pearls before them. It is the sin unto death. If people are at enmity with the gospel so that they are adversarial, you are not to force feed them. And we should understand that people of the Church who simply fall into some sin, are not going to be adversarial toward Christ. So they have no need to fear this sin. But these people who do become adversaries are of a different nature. They know the truth, but attempt to use it against the witnesses of the gospel. They refuse to receive the love of truth in their abandonment of the Word, in order to return to the world. Having received the knowledge of truth in the paths of righteousness, these people are so perverse that they would rather live in the kingdom of darkness and serve under Satan's rule, than defer to the scriptures. Even though they may have come in among us, they were still dogs, and had never really become a new creation. They never really received a new nature or had become spiritually purged. So as the dog, they returned to doing what dogs do naturally. This type of traitorous behavior is slanderous against God. To deem the filth that you have left, to be of greater value than Christ's cleanliness and righteousness, is to become anathema or accursed. When there is willful sin, after we have received the knowledge of the truth, God declares that there is no more sacrifice for sin. That is not what I declare, but what God says. In other words, we have willfully decided to become the enemy of the "only" sacrifice for sin that there is. It is then impossible for that one to be recovered again. For having shamed the "ONLY" sacrifice for sin, they have willfully chosen death over life. Lest we forget, salvation is by Grace of God. So this person cannot just decide to have true repentance. God is the one on the throne, not man. And from the word of God, it is made abundantly clear that committing such a sin, God would give no seed or Spirit of repentance under such circumstances. And in this same context of Hebrews chapter 10, God continues the warnings:
Indeed it is! If the fallen Covenant of Israel people did not escape when they refused the law brought by Moses (who warned them on earth), how much less can we escape if we turn away from Christ who warns us from heaven. And note that these are Covenant people who have turned away from God, tread Christ under foot, and have counted the blood of the covenant wherewith they were sanctified, an unholy thing. But how were they sanctified or made holy by the blood if they are unsaved? Clearly, by being part of the Covenant FAMILY (1st Corinthians 7:14
Selah! Of the sons of Isaac, jacob found grace, but Esau found no grace, though he sought after it diligently with tears. His sin was unforgivable. Likewise, Judas wept bitterly after he betrayed Christ, but found no place of rest and went out and hanged himself. God never gave them true repentance unto salvation, and these are our examples, profound warnings to the Covenant body against apostasy and tempting the Lord our God. We cannot sell out our birthright, we cannot apostatize, turning to serve Satan, and think that we will be renewed again unto repentance.
On the other hand, those truly in Christ need not fear this sin for two reasons. Number one, if we are truly born from above wherein we are eternally saved, we will never apostatize to become an enemy of Christ and bow down again to bondage in serving sin.
True believers are sealed, [sphragizo] or spiritually marked as secured by the Holy Spirit. They make their calling and election sure and will never fail.
And number two, those who willfully, deliberately, consciously turn against Christ after that they have received the knowledge of the truth, were never truly saved in the first place.
Clearly, whatever the pretensions and professions made, they were never truly Christians sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption. They didn't lose their salvation, they never truly had it. They were antichrist or pseudo-christians, rather than those truly for Christ. And by forsaking God after being enlightened by the word, it is then become impossible for them to obtain salvation. And note, Hebrews 10:25-27 is in the context of the "true" Covenant Church, and the willful falling away "after" having received the knowledge of truth. Not a false Church, but the true Covenant Church of Gods. This is knowledge that can only be revealed in the body collective by the Spirit of God preached word. Remember, all those who are of the Covenant body, have in some sense tasted of the gift from heaven. But not all are saved. Just by being there among the Elect, they are partakers. So they, above all, should know that His glory should be eternally celebrated. So that if after this, they turn away from Christ to serve a false Christ, Satan, they will never receive sacrifice for their sins. God says very clearly concerning this person, "there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins.." In other words, This person who does this will never be forgiven. This warning is repeated almost verbatim in the book of Mark.
Some Christians teach that those who fall back into the ways of the world (sometimes called backsliders) after being in any Church are guilty of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. That is not true. Nor does scripture teach that one who falls back into the weakness of some previous sins has committed blasphemy. For example, Covenant Israel was backsliding, and yet God forgave them many times. If one still professes Himself a Christian, and has not effectively turned back to the world and "against Christ," and has not denied Him after receiving knowledge of truth, he has not committed this sin. This sin is reserved for those who have come into the Church, receive knowledge of the Word of truth spiritually, and then turn their back on it to serve the devil as an enemy of Christ. To deem the work of God, as being evil. These leaders of Israel had knowledge of the scriptures, they claimed allegiance to God, and above all should have known better, and yet they made Christ an enemy claiming His Godly works were by Beelzebub, the Prince of the devils. This is why they had committed the unforgivable sin. i.e., they were antichrist, pseudo-christians, once enlightened, part of the Covenant congregation leadership having tasted of the heavenly gift and the good word of God. They were acclimated to the powers of the world to come. Yet they fell away to not even recognize Christ. So much as to crucify him and put Him to open shame. This is why their sin is treason and unforgivable.
The real evidence of the meaning of Jesus' warning about blasphemy of the holy ghost is fixed firmly within the narrative of the passages. The unpardonable sin is in their being afforded place as part of the covenant body, among the Spirit, and yet they deem the only work of the medicinal waters of salvation as deadly venom. As the leaders who ruled in Moses seat, they should have known better.
The Scribes that came down from Jerusalem were part of the Covenant body, and yet they believed His miraculous work was the work of Beelzebub. This was because they had fallen into apostasy wherein they would never rise from again. And as in the then present state of the Old Covenant congregation, there was no more sacrifice of expiation for the soul that had so fallen from God as to see His work as the deeds of Satan.
So when one asks, "What is the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit," we can honestly declare that it is to become part of the Covenant body, to come to knowledge of truth, to be part of the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants and the promises, and yet with all this honor and knowledge given by God, fall away to deem the works of God's Holy Spirit as the work of Satan. To have become so abominable as to actually turn to see Christ as the enemy. The unregenerate has no pardons of any sins to begin with, so how can they commit one that is unpardonable? They never profess Christ, so all their sins are unforgiven anyway. They have no profession of faith, nor have they claimed sacrifice in Christ, and so all their sins would be unpardonable. It is evident to me that this sin is committed specifically by members of the Covenant body, who claim pardon and yet who will fall away from God in spiritual harlotry. Those who commit this sin may call (1st Corinthians 4:20) themselves of God, but (like the Pharisees) they are those who don't want the gospel truth and who fight against it. They went out from among us because they are at enmity with the truth. Their true nature as dogs and swine is revealed in that enmity.
Likewise, the Pharisees professed that they knew God, indeed they were the very Israelites, to whom the adoption pertained to, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises (Romans 9:4), and yet in works they denied Him and blasphemed against Him. They became the adversary and (except for the remnant) had the Kingdom taken from them. That is a lesson to the Church today to take heed, lest they are cut off in like manner for their abominations.
In conclusion, I'm fully aware that there are many Christian leaders would prefer to be vague and evasive on this subject, or not to even know what the unforgivable sin is. Many may feel that declaring these truths makes them appear self-righteous or judgmental. But the fact is, God is righteous and God is the judge. And His word is faithful and true. So when He says that it is impossible for one of the Church to be renewed after being enlightened and falling away, then that is "exactly" what He means. We don't have to minimize, be ambiguous or evasive in declaring this truth. Indeed, we should be compelled to bear witness to what is clearly written. When God says those who speak a word against the Holy Ghost will never be forgiven, that is exactly the warning He wants declared. We don't have to seek ways to make this word of truth of non-effect, rather we should testify to its guarantee. When God says it is better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them, then that is exactly what God means. There is no need to deliberately neglect such passages, but rather to preach them faithfully. When God says that those who blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven, that is most assuredly what He means. And to pretend that it (in essence) doesn't apply to anyone today, or to claim it is not committed by anyone in the Church, is to dabble in absurdity. Can we say anything less than what is written as an example for us? I say we cannot. We need not shy away from, or fear God's Holy word of truth if we are being faithful witnesses to it. For better things than these curses are accounted to those faithful whom God loves. In fact, in that very context of Hebrews, as God is declaring it "impossible" for those fallen this way to be forgiven, God comforts the beloved elect in the very next verses saying:
Though we speak thus? It seems today's Church would say, "Blot it out and don't "thus" speak!" But it is our duty to thus speak. Yet I would say that if you have not been enlightened, and have not turned against the Christ of the Bible, and are anxious because you think you may have committed blasphemy against the Spirit, you should not be troubled or in fear. Because if you have not sold your soul to the devil, are not adversarial to God, and receive the truth with all readiness of mind, that is a good testimony that you have not committed this sin. A true believer can never commit the unforgivable sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, though we thus speak. It is very literally impossible for him to do so because God's word tells us that salvation can not be lost. For it is the sealing or securing of God unto the day of redemption. Nevertheless, there are many professed Christians who "think" they were saved, and yet were never saved. And they may fall away to Satan and come under this terrible judgment of God that the Church seems to want to pretend has no relevance. But the unfaithful Church today is not exempt from this sin, thus there is the necessity of faithful Christians bearing testimony to any sin that affects the health of the Body of Christ. These words of Judgment weren't written for a time long ago, but as a witness for all time for all people. And clearly we can be confident not only in God's word concerning those who have partaken of the Holy Spirit and fallen away, but also of His word concerning the better things accorded the Elect. We need not fear or question either one, but faithfully testify of both. As Watchmen! And though some Christians will consider such faithful testimony a type of judgmental stone throwing, it truly is God's witness. His word of both judgment and security. Not mine, but His. The old adage applies, "Don't stone the messenger because of the message." It is quite foolish to argue that God is unrighteous and cruel if He never pardoned some sin. For who are we to reply against God? We can be comforted in the knowledge that God's word is not only true and trustworthy, it is righteous. But know and understand beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany true salvation, though we thus speak." Amen!
Copyright ©2009 Tony Warren Created 1/15/09 / Last Modified 10/25/10 The Mountain Retreat / twarren10@aol.com |