The Mountain Retreat
Center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology

Fasting for God

by Michael Cortright

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after
righteousness: for they shall be filled
." -Matthew 5:6

    Fasting is used throughout the Bible by people as a way to approach God in time of need.  For the most part you see the fast initiated by man and not by God.  People would spend a day, three days, seven days, and even forty days in prayer.  They would not eat during this fasting time so as to keep their attention focused on God.  It is a good thing to hunger and thirst to be right with God.  God says the person who hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be filled.  When you are hungry for God - God feeds you.  When you are thirsty for God - God gives you drink:  Not physical food but a knowledge of God and His Word.

Not Self Centered

Zechariah 7:5-6

Fasting for God is not a religious ceremony or practice.  These people set up religious days for fasting throughout the year and followed this practice for seventy years.  But God was not at the center of their fast.  When they did not eat - it was not to look for God to fill them.  And when they did eat they were not thinking about God and thanking Him for supplying their needs.  They did it all for themselves.  They mourned and acted so sad.  "Oh, look at poor me."  Hunger and thirst for God is not a negative or self-centered thing.  God tells them (and us) that when we seek Him He fills us.  When we have our hearts on God it is a joyful time.

Zechariah 8:19

Joy and gladness - cheerful feasts.  Not a time to mourn and starve yourself - a time to be positive.  A time to rejoice and be peaceful because you love the truth and are looking to God.

Matthew 6:16-18

Fasting for God is not something done to show others how religious you are.  The Word of God says that those who are fasting to "show men" their piety have their reward.  Their reward is that other men notice.  Being noticed by others is what they are seeking and that is what they get.  If you are looking for God's approval then what you do should be directed to God (which is in secret) and God will reward you openly.  God will fill you.  God will bless you.  Others will see you peaceful, joyful, full of gladness and abundantly blessed.

The Fast God Has Chosen

Isaiah 58:3-4

These people were "afflicting their soul. "They were showing God how miserable they were.  They took pleasure in listing for God all their works.  God says this is NOT the way to make your voice to be heard on high!

Isaiah 58:5

God never chose to have man "afflict his soul." Religious practices are always opposite of godliness and reflect self-centeredness. This is not fasting
for God. This is not an acceptable day to the Lord.

Isaiah 58:6

Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?

Fasting for God - the fast that God has chosen - is to do the Word of God. It is to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to love others as yourself. When you are God centered your actions will be to deliver others from oppression and help others escape the bondage of this world and become God centered. Fasting> for God was demonstrated by the calling and life of the Lord Jesus Christ:

Luke 4:18-19

In God's Word you do not see the Lord Jesus Christ "afflicting his soul" for God. Jesus Christ stayed God centered. He always did God's will.  He set people free and healed them. He preached the acceptable year of the Lord.

Fasting the fast that God has chosen means looking to God and doing God's Word and Will. When you are God centered you call upon God and God answers.

Isaiah 58:9-11

It is a good thing to hunger and thirst to be right before God because God will fill you.  God will make your darkness as bright as high noon. God will guide you. God will make you like a watered garden or a spring of water.  God will bless you.


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