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The Mountain Retreat

Polemic Theology: How to Deal with Those Who Differ from Us - We are called upon by the Lord to contend earnestly for the faith (Jude 3). That does not necessarily involve being contentious; but it involves avoiding compromise, standing forth for what we believe, standing forth for the truth of God--without welching at any particular moment.
by Roger R. Nicole

Blessed Are The Poor In Heart - What are we to make of Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:8 when he says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Is this good news, or bad news? First of all, we need to take a look at the larger context of Jesus’ statement, which appears in the opening section of his Sermon on the Mount, often referred to as the Beatitudes.
by Shane Rosenthal

Will There Ever Be A Restoration Of Judaism - The Nation of God's elect is a spiritual nation, not a political one. You who are born of God are God's "holy nation" (I Pet. 2:9-10). This nation is the church of God that is made up of all believers of every age. The nation of Israel of the Old Testament was only a type of the true Israel of God formed in Christ Jesus.
by Don Fortner

The Ordination of Women: An Interview by Byron Snapp - Since the diaconal office involves authority or rule, we have to remember that 1 Timothy 2:12 lays down a universal prohibition that it is forbidden for women to rule over men in the church. In that case, it is forbidden for women to have an office within the church because office involves rule or authority. Diaconal office, involving rule or authority, is thus closed to women.
by Dr. Greg Bahnsen

What About The Living Bible - To the living bible we are totally and unalterably opposed. If it should prevail among us, the biblical faith would be destroyed. Our young people must be aware that this is another arm of the power of the lie that we fight as Reformed saints. It is a wicked effort to destroy God’s Word, as wicked as Jehoiakim’s burning of the Scriptures that he disliked.
by David J. Engelsma

Pentecostalism: Mother Of Charismaticism - I usually make a distinction between 'old style' Pentecostalism and charismaticism. This distinction, however, is for the sake of charity, as a 'half-way house' conclusion. Charismaticism came directly out of Pentecostalism, not suddenly, but gradually. The modern charismatic movement evolved naturally out of old-style Pentecostalism, because Pentecostalism bore the seeds of today’s charismaticism, as a mother bears a child in her womb.
by Dr Kenneth Barry Napier

Kenneth Copeland's Name It Claim It Heresy - Kenneth Copeland stands today as one of the prosperity gospel or Faith movement's leading spokesmen. His voluminous material (in print and broadcast media), combined with his crusades and international outreach centers, attest to his vast influence.
by Hendrik H. Hanegraaff and Erwin M. de Castro

Crypto-Calvinism and Open Communion - Crypto-Calvinists (secret or hidden Calvinists) love to support their doctrine of open communion by pointing out that Jesus knew that Judas was an apostate who was about to betray Him, and yet He still let Judas partake of His body and blood at the Last Supper. We therefore, they claim, should do the same and not exclude people from our altars.
by astor William P. Terjesen

The Resurrection of Lazarus - The resurrection of Lazarus of Bethany from the dead by Jesus Christ is recorded in John chapter 11. This resurrection is typical of conversion. His physical death is typical of our spiritual death, in which we are by nature "dead in trespasses and sins" (Ephesians 2:1). The stench of Lazarus in his tomb (v.39) represents the repugnance of our sin and spiritual death in the nostrils of God.
by Daniel E. Parks

Fasting For God - fasting is used throughout the Bible by people as a way to approach God in time of need. For the most part you see the fast initiated by man and not by God. Is this such a fast that God has chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul?
by Michael Cortright

The Death of Fundamentalism - Contrary to the idea that the church could evolve its thinking any way that they wished, Faithful Christians argued that there were certain fundamental biblical truths which defined essential Christianity, and which could not be abandoned if one wanted to remain biblically Christian.
by Glenn Parkinson

The Christian Sabbath is the First Day of the Week - The following is courtesy of Pastor Richard Bacon and was edited from some email exchanges from November 1994, between Pastor Bacon and some Seventh Day Adventists. They first appeared on the Blue Banner Bulletin Board, the precursor to the FPCR web site.
by Pastor Richard Bacon




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