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Center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology
Biblical Christian Articles Search
About This Search Engine
The Mountain Retreat "center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology" search engine is a program designed to InfoNet the "biblical" Christian community by allowing a search of only Bible-based, biblically grounded articles, PDFs, sermons, papers, and FAQs. Articles are searched not only on this site but on Bible-based Christian sites around the Internet.
We certainly do understand that the word "Biblical" in our day is somewhat subjective, but generally this means they believe that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, they believe in the inerrancy and sufficiency of scripture, the "Doctrines of Grace," the Sovereignty of God, and that the Bible (God's word alone) is the ultimate and final "authority" today over the church and its doctrines.
We strive to assure articles stand on the ground of faith that the Holy Scriptures and not personal opinions are profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. Nevertheless, as good Christian websites seem to come and go these days, and good articles are disapearing right along with them, this search engine endeavors to retrieve the lost pages from archive sites so that they can still be searched and read, even when they are no longer available live online.
Biblical Banners On This Search Engine
As this is a community service and we do seek to InfoNet the Biblical community, we do allow any Biblical Christian site (regardless of denomination) that supports sound "Biblical Theology" to place their banner ad on the bottom of this search. You need only either provide a text link to us and/or your banner you wish displayed. The banners rotate chronologically rather than randomly, so every banner gets the exact equal exposure to searchers. There are no options for extras, as this project is simply the free and fair promotion of Biblical Theology on the Web.
We reiterate, you must be a Biblically based web site. We understand that the word "Biblical" is somewhat subjective in our day, but in general this requires believing in the inerrancy and sufficiency of scripture, the "Doctrines of Grace," the Sovereignty of God, and that the Bible (God's
word) is the ultimate "authority" today over doctrines, corrections, and instructions in righteousness. If you meet the qualifications (and we must by necessity be the final judge of that) then just drop a line to the Webmaster with your banner ad attached (400 x 60) and telling us where your page (URL) is. We'll place it in the rotation as soon as possible. If your banner is not 400 x 60, send it and we can resize it for you.
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