Who Qualifies
Any web page (regardless of denomination) that supports
sound "Biblical Theology" can have their banner ad placed in our search
engine link rotation. You need only either provide a text link to us, place
our search box on a page, or add the banner script.
The banners rotate chronologically rather than randomly, so
every banner gets the exact equal exposure to users. There are no options
for extras, as this project is simply the free and fair promotion of
Biblical Theology on the Web.
You must be a Biblically based web site. We understand that
the word "Biblical" is somewhat subjective in our day, but in general this
requires believing in the inerrancy and sufficiency of scripture, the
"Doctrines of Grace," the Sovereignty of God, and that the Bible (God's
word) is the ultimate "authority" today over doctrines, corrections, and
instructions in righteousness.
How Do I Participate?
Simple. If you meet the qualifications (and we must by necessity
be the final judge of that) then just drop a line to the Webmaster with your banner ad attached (400 x 60),
telling us where your page (URL) is. We'll place it in the rotation as
soon as possible. If your banner is not 400 x 60, send it and we can resize
it for you.
Where is our Banner or Search box?
Both the search box and banner scripts can be found below.
You may also display the search without the box if you so desire.
You can add the boxes and searches (shown below) to your page
by copying the code below it, and pasting it on your web page wherever you
want it.
<!-- Start of Reformed Christian Church Search Code -->
<div align=center>
<table align=center border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="EF5A18">
<tr><td><center><font size=2 color=FFFFFF><b>Reformed Christian Church Search</b></font></center><table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#ffffff">
<tr><td colspan="2" align=left bgcolor=EF5A18><font size="2">
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/churchit/churchit.cgi" NAME="searchform">
<input type=hidden name="sourcex" value="2">
</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size="2"><a href="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/">
<img src="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/searchit/images/searchmini.gif" width=98 height=30 border=0 alt="The Mountain Retreat"></a>
</td><td valign="center" align="center">
<select name="searchstring" size="1" >
<option value="Select State">Select State</option>
<option value="ak">Alaska</option><option value="al">Alabama</option>
<option value="ar">Arkansas</option><option value="az">Arizona</option>
<option value="ca">California</option><option value="co">Colorado</option>
<option value="ct">Connecticut</option><option value="de">Delaware</option>
<option value="fl">Florida</option><option value="ga">Georgia</option>
<option value="hi">Hawaii</option><option value="ia">Iowa</option>
<option value="id">Idaho</option><option value="il">Illinois</option>
<option value="in">Indiana</option><option value="ks">Kansas</option>
<option value="ky">Kentucky</option><option value="la">Louisiana</option>
<option value="ma">Mass.</option><option value="md">Maryland</option>
<option value="mi">Michigan</option><option value="mn">Minnesota</option>
<option value="mo">Missouri</option><option value="ms">Miss.</option>
<option value="mt">Montana</option><option value="nc">N.Carolina</option>
<option value="nd">N.Dakota</option><option value="ne">Nebraska</option>
<option value="nh">New Hampshire</option><option value="nj">New Jersey</option>
<option value="nm">New Mexico</option><option value="nv">Nevada</option>
<option value="ny">New York</option><option value="oh">Ohio</option>
<option value="ok">Oklahoma</option><option value="or">Oregon</option>
<option value="pa">Penna.</option><option value="ri">Rhode Island</option>
<option value="sc">S.Carolina</option><option value="sd">S.Dakota</option>
<option value="tn">Tennessee</option><option value="tx">Texas</option>
<option value="ut">Utah</option><option value="va">Virginia</option>
<option value="vt">Vermont</option><option value="wa">Washington</option>
<option value="wi">Wisconsin</option><option value="wv">W.Virginia</option>
<option value="wy">Wyoming</option></select><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1">
<input type="reset" value="Reset" name="B2">
<!-- End of Reformed Christian Church Search Code -->
A d d O u r L i t e r a t u r e
A n d W e b S e a r c h
You can also add our quick and revelant topical bible based
Christian literature and Biblical web sites search box (shown below) to your
page by copying the code below, and pasting it wherever you want the
search box to show up.
Box Search Code
<!-- Start of Biblical Resources Search Code -->
<div align=center><table align=center border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="EF5A18">
<tr><td><center><font size=2 color=FFFFFF><b>Biblical Theology Search</b></font></center>
<table border=0 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 bgcolor="#ffffff"> <tr><td colspan="2" align=left bgcolor=EF5A18>
<font size="2"><FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/searchit/searchit.cgi">
<input type=hidden name="sourcex" value="2">
</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size="2"><a href="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/">
<img src="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/searchit/images/searchmini.gif" width=98 height=30 border=0 alt="Home"></a></td>
<td valign="center" align="center"><INPUT NAME="searchstring" SIZE="12" MAXLENGTH="30">
<select name="opstring" size="1" style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial">
<option value="literature">Literature</option><option value="websites">Web Sites</option>
</select><input type="submit" value="Go"></font>
<!-- End of Biblical Resources Search Code -->
Simple Search Code
<!-- Start of Biblical Resources Search Code -->
<font size="2"><FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/searchit/searchit.cgi">
<input type=hidden name="sourcex" value="2">
<INPUT NAME="searchstring" SIZE="12" MAXLENGTH="30">
<select name="opstring" size="1" style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial">
<option value="literature">Literature</option><option value="websites">Web Sites</option>
</select><input type="submit" value="Go"></font>
<!-- End of Biblical Resources Search Code -->
A d d Y o u r B a n n e r
You can also join our Banner Link program.
To join the banner link program, simply cut and paste the code below to your page and attach your banner (600/40) to an
e-mail to the Webmaster or simply tell him where it resides, and
we will include it in the rotation.

Mountain Retreat Biblical Links
<!-- Start of Banner Link Code -->
<a href="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/searchit/mountban.cgi?777" target="_parent">
<img src="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/searchit/images/mountr.gif"></a><br>
<small><a href="https://www.mountainretreatorg.net/searchit/ban_links.html" target="_parent">
Mountain Retreat Biblical Links</a></small></center>
<!-- End of Banner Link Code -->