...unto the ends of the earth!

..unto the ends of the earth.
Center for Biblical
Theology and Eschatology
The Mountain Retreat
        T h e     M o u n t a i n     R e t r e a t
"They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my Holy Mountain
for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.." -Isaiah 11:9
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Center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology

The Bible Since 1998 the Mountain Retreat Center for Biblical Theology and Eschatology has been a repository and bible education ministry in the Reformed Tradition of the doctrines of Grace. It was developed with the intent to house articles and studies that emphasize sound biblical theology and an intelligent exegesis of the scriptures. This center has but one primary purpose, and that is to faithfully reproduce the gospel of Christ for a world that is in need of His unadulterated message. Though committed to historic Biblical Christianity rooted in scripture rather than custom, ritual and tradition, we are also an outreach to equip both the laymen and minsiter for the unique challenges they face in today's corrupt and sinful world. We stand united as one family within God's Holy Mountain, whose sole desire is to do the will of God decently and in order. Biblical Theology and Eschatology is anchored in the proposition that God's word alone (as opposed to men) is the ultimate authority to "rightly" discern what the scripture teaches. As long as this center is in existence, if only one sinner is led to the truth of what is written (rather than how it is interpreted), then our purpose has been served. Please take the time to explore the site, as there is much to read and learn here. We invite you to join with us in sound studies in Biblical theology and eschatology, as we live to glorify the God of all creation.

The Sword of the Spirit
"for the Word of God is quick, and powerful,
and sharper than any twoedged sword."
                            -Hebrews 4:12

The Sword of the Spirit
An exponentially growing number of private homes and most public institutions now have (or will soon have) access to the internet. What better platform is there to reach around the world to those who are in dire need of a library of non-political, honorable and faithful theology. Any interpretation that is not a biblically validated teaching, is by definition personal opinion or private interpretation. Pray that this Christian library will reach souls that hunger and thirst after God authored interpretations.

  Eschatology Section  
  Biblical prophesy, eschatology and exegesis of the kingdom of Christ, from the Historic Reformed Protestant position. These papers are written by many preeminent Scholars, Theologians and Authors. This section contains biblical papers on the Kingdom of Heaven, Revelation chapter 20, the Covenant with Israel, the Antichrist, the Millennial Reign, the Apostasy, the Rapture, the 70 weeks of Daniel 9, The meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles, and much more.

Click Here for Biblical Eschatology

What is Biblical Reformed Theology, and how are the Reformed Christian doctrines different from other Christian beliefs? That is a question that many students have asked over the years. This link is intended to give the answers and the basic outline of Reformation Theology (which at its core is generally Biblical Christianity), its historic roots, and why it is important to the church today to hold tightly to these basic foundations of truth.

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